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  1. Gotta know when to move on. Good in the falcons
  2. Sorry for your loss. You didn’t miss much today. The line was off, so Chuba was ineffective. We don’t stand a chance with an ineffective Chuba.
  3. Saw that thread and ignored that foolishness lol. Bryce has been too terrible outside of the “solid 5 games” he’s had to make any declarations like that. Even the solid 5 games is stretching it out a bit. I’d give him 2/3 decent to good games. Even with this being a “down” year for Stroud, he’s still top 7-8 in passing yards, and his 17 TD 9 Int season is miles ahead of Bryce.
  4. That’s another thing. These 160/170/180 yard games aren’t going to cut it. We need to be scoring at or close to 30 ppg. That is a struggle for him and this offense. I know it’s not all on him, but he’s a huge part in why we’re not doing that.
  5. Nope. I didn’t think he was that guy even during his “solid” 5 (id have only given him 2 games) games. I know we’re going to roll him out there next year; I’ve accepted that, but when we go through this again next year, and win 3-5 games, I hope we’re ready to move on. I don’t feel confident with him behind center.
  6. Good way to describe it. Spent a ton of time on the Mississippi Gulf Coast where gator is plentiful. One of my favorite eats. Legette grew up about 30 mins from Lumberton NC where my mamas side of the fam is from. Everyone that way just has a thick accent like that.
  7. Knew that was a bad fit when it happened, and he’d be complaining. He ain’t long for this league
  8. I’m taking Jameis. Slang that rock. 500 yards and I’m still not sold on Bryce
  9. Yep. He would’ve been better off sticking it out here.
  10. Knew it wasn’t going to be good for him going to Baltimore, and said such when the deal happened. Anyone saying different doesn’t know the Lamar Jackson Ravens. Hell, he has a hard enough time getting it to Flowers.
  11. Glad he’s ok. He’s been playing well as of late.
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