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Posts posted by SmittysLawnGuy

  1. 2 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    It's really not good that Florida and Arizona are currently leading the charge. Arizona is basically Florida West in that it's the top retirement destination for the western US.

    My mom lives across the street from me and is 76. I have 2 late teen kids. One works at Dominos. I'm terrified for her mostly I always do my part but it only takes one kid to destroy all of our measures. That's what these young fools are doing. What do you say, oops I killed gramma.

    • Beer 2
  2. 19 hours ago, Tbe said:

    11.5k cases from 65k tests. That’s a 17% positive rate. Yikes!

    Heres my question though. 65k people thought they were ill enough to get tested. Do we have that many hypochondriacs or are the tests severely flawed?

    I will say the testing metrics are severely flawed. Notice the avg. age infected has dropped from 70 yrs old to upper 30's. That clearly shows we are testing more people. The death rate will get lower as we test younger people. The end game will always be the hospitals. No matter if its media trying to scare everyone or the Pres. N Desantos saying we've won. I imagine with us Florididiots, at 10k+ a day. The hospitals a month from now, will be in shambles. I could totally be wrong. I hate politics in general. Lazy Joe or Totally tremendously Trump, if this virus gets back to our old people which it will, Florida will destroy all death records in the US. Oour beaches were open today. My city has more new cases than some states. Why we are not at least in full face masks blows my fugging mind!

    • Beer 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, stirs said:

    57k positive tests today

    We had better hope the virus has lost its punch

    10k in my great state of Florida alone. Congrats my fellow Floridians! Where 3/4 of the people weren't wearing a mask at the grocery store today. Keep up the good fight. We might as well be number 1 at something other than age. Morons.

  4. 1 hour ago, Wes21 said:

    I used to believe in fairy tales too bro.  Then I grew up.  Try it.

    Cant find Brooklyn's original post but that has to be the dumbest shizz I've ever read. Hey let's just print more money and we can all meet in Hawaii! We made it up anyway. Let's make it better.

  5. 50 minutes ago, Brooklyn 3.0 said:

    I wonder what the limit on acceptable death is? WWI and WWII deaths? Society moved on. Bombing of Japan? We didn't bat an eye. Vietnam? No one cares anymore. 9/11? That was such a tragedy ... back in the day we say. All these Covid deaths that aren't even the regular flu deaths? Meh, when does the NFL start? Police brutality? Won't even be a story in a couple weeks until the next death. Cancer? Yep, it happens we say.

    My guess would have to be an asteroid that kills billions in one shot. Then people would care and flip the hell out and lose their minds. Rightfully so, lol. I mean, if you survived.

    Tough call I'd assumehad we known the real death rate, we'd never slowed down. In hindsight it seems like the best approach. Also if we don't get huge spikes after these Rally's we did it wrong to begin with.

  6. On 5/20/2020 at 1:14 PM, Wes21 said:

    Has anyone tried to explain why its been so much cooler than "normal?" 

    Your not kidding, I live in Florida and turn my air on in early March. Only had to start this week. Covid has dropped the temp.:)

    • Pie 2
  7. 1 hour ago, stirs said:

    Actually, I don't envision it being "over" until we get a vaccine.  Flattening the curve was just trying not to overwhelm the hospitals until we caught up on equipment and such.  This whole time on lockdown, we are probably averaging 30k positive tests per day and most people are not even getting tested.  The good thing about opening in the late spring is that the weather is on your side.  Warm weather returning to the northern states should help them.  I say that as we are heading back down below freezing tonight, haha.

    Wishful thinking, I live in Florida and tell that to Miami.

  8. 2 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    This thread is very close to getting locked for good at this point. It's virtually devoid of productive conversation and has devolved into pure political sniping. Knock it the fug off.

    No doubt came to read about some insight. Leaving wishing I had a gun with one bullet.

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