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Posts posted by SmittysLawnGuy

  1. 2 hours ago, glenwo2 said:

    So what are you going to do every Sunday now since you're not watching?  🤔

    Man, I watched every minute of Chris Weinke and Jimmy Pickles. It's not like I'm going anywhere. This one sucks a little extra because the better team (by a wide margin) lost. I'm trying to come to grips as to why. Your boy Sammy was a major contributor in that loss. The coaching had several head scratching moments as well. I shouldn't have elevated my expectations as much as I did. Ill stop pizzing on the team now. My liquid anger is gone. Hope we can regroup from this debacle. roar.

    • Pie 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Eazy-E said:

    So as a coach knowing that it is inexcusable to think it is a good idea to try and run up the gut with your third string running back in a single back formation.

    Joe Brady is currently this offense's biggest problem. We know the line is bad and he isn't even trying to game plan around that. Rarely do we see FB usage or 2 TE sets. It is like watching Rivera and Co leave Mike Remmers on an island all game while he was getting abused by Von Miller.

    Right. For once I saw Chubba run out wide on a 3rd down n got it. I thought, maybe he figured it out or maybe not.

  3. 59 minutes ago, CRA said:

    well, I mean Joe Brady was a key element to a college football national championship and the greatest offense college football has seen…

    and in a covid year, with no preseason, installing a brand new offense….and no CMC…with a horrible OL and Checkdown QB…..had us in virtually every game. 

    and presently we have a winning record with what has been the worst starting QB in the NFL over the last 3 seasons…

    Joe Brady isn’t our main problem on offense.    

    No shiit! Be nice if the QB could hit guys wide opened after 10 yrds! All we have is 2 gloves+balls. Have to at least hit a third of those.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Squid Game said:

    If Rhule doesn’t learn quick that he needs to stop coaching like a college coach, giving jobs to college buddies, not addressing the OL and needing a NFL franchise QB, the guy will be looking for a job in college soon. 

    His college buddy way TF out preformed him today. That D is top notch. Plow away on him, Brady and Darnold. That offense was cringe inducing. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Proudiddy said:

    I appreciate his ownership of our shortcomings, but as I've watched the last two weeks, after believing we may have had a master tactician at the them after some of the calls he made last season, I am not encouraged at all.

    The Belichick-like calls on 4th downs, crafty ways of time management, and the obvious halftime adjustments from last season are long gone.  Instead, we have Fox and Rivera redux.  No aggression, no attacking, no proactive measures...  just us curled up in the corner of the squared circle, taking hook, after hook, after uppercut with no way to defend ourselves.

    I have been a believer in Rhule.  I have kept quiet when others criticized him for his collegial leanings.  Again, I was encouraged by what we saw last season - but this guy, perhaps more entrenched and comfortable as his system is further cemented in year two, is not the coach from last season.

    I couldn't help but be troubled by the continued flat affect our team displayed, yet again, in the 3rd quarter today, and pretty much the entire second half as well.  It continues the troubling trend of us clearly getting hit with halftime adjustments from our opponent's coaching staff, while our staff flails around haplessly unprepared, leaving our players to wander aimlessly with no sense of what direction is up or forward.  I was really bothered for a couple of reasons.  The first being that Rhule has already acknowledged each game that we struggled in the second half it was because the other team made adjustments and implemented things we hadn't seen yet or prepared for.  So he acknowledges we were both outcoached and unprepared on multiple occasions now, with no backup plan in place.  Number two, the overwhelming tone of the decisions made in these second halves, particularly today, was among the most conservative approaches I've ever seen in professional coaching.  The aggression and attacking style he displayed last season with numerous conversion attempts on 4th down, including fake punts are nowhere to be found.  But, John Fox-like-calls, electing to punt with his place kicker for a punt netting 20 yards are here, and so is electing to punt on 4th and 2 near midfield with the league's worst punter, who also nets about 30-35 yards on his attempt.  And lastly, I'm brought back to opponents summarizing our team under Rivera as one that doesn't adjust, doesn't make changes, doesn't evolve, but is going to caveman it out on the field and do exactly what you saw on tape and hope you don't stop it.  For all that I thought was different about Rhule, he is illustrating it is all very much the same.

    Even more troubling than seeing all of this, was Rhule stating in his presser that winning football is about running the ball and controlling the line of scrimmage.  I, and anyone knowledgeable of football whatsoever, would agree that controlling the line is an absolute must for winning football.  But the overall tone, and the emphasis on running the ball - it just reeked of Fox and Rivera in retrospect of what took place on the tried today in the second half, as well as the games that preceded it in the same fashion.  What it tells me, is yes, our staff is being outcoached and not able to counter adjustments made by the opponents; but, it also tells me that some of that is by design due to our staff's antiquated views on modern winning football.  A running game helps, but getting a small lead and believing you can just old-school your way into a win for an entire half by pounding the opponent into submission with a smashmouth running game, with a porous offensive line no less, is absolutely mind-blowing.  He is telling on himself both in what he says and how he is managing these games - he thinks he can win the game by bogging the game down and hanging onto a marginal lead before our grip gives way.  

    It is troubling, because again, for all of the shiny new things we saw last season that led us to believe, we may finally have a cutting-edge, analytics-heavy, forward-thinking coach and staff...  we don't.  We have a guy cut from the same cloth as his predecessors who believes a punt is a good play and we can ride a defense until the wheels fall off.  Sigh.

    Preach brother! Any fan who wasn't disgusted with that performance needs to get off the god dazz field. Ill leave it to Hubby1 to juice the squad but a high school squad could have finished that game. A pro team wins by 4 scores. WTF did I just watch? Sobering up is only pissing me more!

  6. 7 hours ago, Paa Langfart said:

    We have a 95% chance at making the playoffs.  Pretty cool interactive site here at the NYTimes that shows every NFL team.  It wasn't behind a paywall for me but if you get one, if you make a free account you can get I believe 4 free articles a month.


    How the Carolina Panthers Can Make the Playoffs: Through Week 4 - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

    Then you'd be as dumb as the next shitt! Who thought we were going to win the next 5 easily.

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