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Everything posted by SmittysLawnGuy

  1. Rare Ribeye with a blooming onion for a healthy veggie n a bud light > salad n an IPA.
  2. It's all well and good but let's just not get to PC in this new age.
  3. Lol. Fair enough. Guess I love beer more than the next guy!
  4. Not sure if you've done a US tour but I have. I think Charlotte is a really nice city. Prepare to be disappointed if you think Charlotte sucks and I'm not from there so I have no skin in that opinion.
  5. Hell, we're lucky he even gives a damn. Eat cupcakes and sluff off for 20 million or bust your ass for a few years at 26 million. Where's my cupcake? Thanks Hurns.
  6. Warning: Adult Content. At the 2:35 second mark he says S... I mean poo. Igo get out of the 60's bro!
  7. No offense but that's a pretty dumb question. We've seen CMC get 30+ touches several times. If any of the the receivers do that the NFL record books will be rewritten. If you mean pure passing numbers I'll still go CMC. I guess your phrasing just threw me off.
  8. Not really the point. My money helps pay his salary though. So the statement that "You're not paying his salary" would be incorrect. Of course I don't have a say where the money goes but I sure as hell can bitch about how they spend it. I'll let my my boy big Tepp decide if they allocated my money correctly.
  9. Could someone put a limit on how many turds Trainwreck can fling? I'm tired of seeing shizz all over my screen!
  10. Not trying to derail the thread but I'm 99% sure who it was but will not disclose due to not being a 100%. Anyway it was a real thing. Now back to the Ginger Cringer!
  11. High: Terrace Marshall This guy is legit. I expect him to be wide receiver 1 by next year. His 50/50 balls are literally 80/20. His catch radius is next level. His adjusted catch rate was highest in the nation at 84%. At 6'3 205 he ran a 4.40. I liken him to Michael Irvin. Not sure: The Cringer. Sure hope the genius of Joe Brady shines a little brighter this time around. Low: Whichever huddler said Michael Vick had every right to torture dogs because they were his.
  12. Ever heard of a salary cap? Also a lot of us pay good coin towards the product that they waltz out there. So in essence, damn right it's our money.
  13. Being a got damn racist is not Germaine to this situation! "Daddy, what do the Germans have to do with this"?
  14. Well guess who does? Their FUGGING boss! How short does the leash get if Fields goes Mahomzian and the Ginger Cringer shiitts the bed? I'd say real short. So they better damn well care.
  15. As someone who is Florida Man the last 20 yrs, I've found it repulsive to drive through Georgia and SC. for many years. I really hope that this ordinance sticks. No one deserves that smell in or near their town!
  16. Big Sack! Love this pick! His wang measured in at 10 7/8 ". His uncle also coaches adult T-ball. Fitts killing it!
  17. Love this pick! Sweet ass!!! His Aunt makes cupcakes for church as well. Fitts murdering it!
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