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  1. Well if true. Not really a problem. No other team is dumb enough to take him before 8.
  2. Duke Florida would be fun. The Gators look fantastic
  3. First time since 1975 only one ACC team made it to the second round. Duke looked great though. Don't see anyone beating them. Been a fan since the Danny Ferry days.
  4. Problem is he is more of a strong safety which is Muerig. Starks would probably fit need more.
  5. I quit saying it when people told me he is a second rounder. I call B.S.
  6. 6'6 291 is no tweener. He has just never done shizz but his size is ideal for a 4-3 end. Don't see where he'd fit in here though except the end of the bench.
  7. Unless he is Ben Rothlisraper, how is Mike Green not a top 10 lock? 17 sacks, 100% effort on every play, great measurables. Marshall be damned. You think that guy wouldn't have more than 4 1/2 sacks in 3 years at A&M? Panthers, please stop just looking at the panty parade and look for some production!
  8. Anyway, the Tet haters should be thrilled with this 40 time. As a Tet believer, I at least believe it should put him in play at 8 for us as another option if our guys are gone. That 40 puts him in play at 4.
  9. Thanks but I fully am aware of the difference. It is a bit embarrassing that I was paying so little attention but there are more egregious examples of poor grammar on this board than a few missed homophones for you to chase down. They're doing their best to get there. Did I pass Teach?
  10. Eat my shorts. If I wasn't on a message board at 9am, I may give a shizz about my grammar.
  11. We are drafting Shemar Stuart. Even if Tet went and ran a 4.2 other teams boards would shift dramatically. Not the Panthers. There done with there board. Hell there guy could break his leg tomorrow. Welp that sucks but our board is set. The Panthers way baby!
  12. So we have had to resort to buying our own Super Bowl rings to see one our life times. Not a bad idea. Looks great.
  13. That fool was on 10 hours ago. Roppstar. just erase
  14. Between Twitter and sports illustrated there is a lot of Brandon Aiuk talk. Anyone interested. Much rather have Higgins.
  15. What say you? Who has the speed. Who has the run? Could just be you!
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