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Everything posted by Reebis21

  1. The immature sh1t talkin is far more annoying than anybody with a bad football take or an unpopular opinion. This dude has opinions like the rest of us...disagree with him or scroll past. Some of y’all thinking ur funny at somebody else’s expense is just pathetic
  2. How’s this for a wall?? LT- Moton LG- Slater C- Paradis RG- Meinerz RT- Jenkins After this year, u have 2 options: A) Let Moton walk and get a 3rd round comp for him the following yr...cut Paradis...have Slater as ur LT, Meinerz as ur Center, and Jenkins as ur RT for the next decade...with a ton of cap room to spare B) Sign Moton long term at LT and have Slater as our Quentin Nelson Either way, our oline is in better shape than ever
  3. Haha of course I am. I’m not saying he’s bad and I’d easily agree with the fact that he’s lightyears above KB, Funchess, Colbert, etc. My point is solely regarding his current impact on games and whether it warrants him being paid like a top receiver. In my opinion which seems to be the minority is that if he continues to have the same impact on our games, I wouldn’t pay what I foresee him asking for. Am a I rooting for that outcome? Hell naw...I’m hoping him and Darnold kill it together and he’s worth every dime we pay him. At this point, I’m just not agreeing with the notion he’s some spectacular talent.
  4. I don’t think he’s a top 10 receiver and I’m saying overrated cuz some (not all) people on this board grossly overrate his impact. And your right, I am assuming to know what he asks more. But any smart agent would be licking his chops right now given we let Samuel walk and Robby only has one year left. The leverage DJ has right now with no young WR on the roster is by default going to heighten his chances of backing us into a corner...so unless we draft a WR early, I’d be willing to bet his agent asks for top money. That’s his job. In regards to QB play, there’s no denying that. So I’m not trying to argue that as it’s a valid point. But I wouldn’t blame DJ’s inability to have a bigger impact solely on the QB.
  5. You nailed it...Everyone around the league knew Smitty was a true #1 who made an impact day in and day out. He was a true difference maker. DJ is straight but nobody outside of our fan base is pounding the table that he’s a true difference maker yet the next contract he asks for will without a doubt be top dollar. This is not a “hating on DJ” comment or me being ungrateful. This is a bang for your buck statement. On his rookie deal, yes we are getting a great deal. But paying top dollar for the impact he’s actually made for our offense would be terrible.
  6. I already know I’m catching hell for this but I think he’s one of the most overrated players on this roster
  7. Is Grant being available in the 3rd wishful thinking or do u really think he will be there?
  8. Can u clarify what u mean here since you also stated the best we could probably get for him is a 4th or 5th? It’s early and my reading comprehension might be lacking
  9. If we end up going CB, give me JayCee Horn...I don’t know why he somehow defaulted to 3rd best CB...he’s gunna be a force for a longgggg time
  10. Don’t retire #1 until Cam retires, but also don’t give it out to a player either. As split as this fan base is with Cam, he led us to a Super Bowl and made us more popular around the league than any other player. He helped build a culture here. I bet 99% of young Panthers fans love Cam. The right thing to do is treat Cam like family and show him you plan to honor him when he hangs up his cleats. And this is coming from a fan who liked Cam but was ready to move on from him during his last 2 years here. Do the Anti-Gettleman thing and have a heart
  11. I wonder how many of those same people complained about the ridiculous Hurney contracts...smh
  12. My point is ur wearing biased as hell glasses...top paid WR is crazy talk
  13. Clearly u know no Panthers fan in their right mind would root against DJ from being good. The issue is paying him to be the highest paid WR in the league. Find me anybody outside of some panthers fans that wouldn’t laugh at that suggestion.
  14. Sounds like some of y’all not only expect DJ to be the top paid WR in the league but actually sound like ur hoping for that. Absolutely mind boggling. True definition of “homer”. I appreciate all you guys who know how to be unbiased on this board.
  15. Who is trying to be cheap? Imagine spending this kinda money on a DL, OL or CB
  16. I don’t dislike DJ, but I’ve never heard anybody call him an absolute game changer. He’s never discussed amongst the current great WRs in the game. More importantly, it’s his future price tag that scares the hell outta me. I also wasn’t advocating letting the man walk for nothing either.
  17. What am i missing here? What’s Darnold done in college or in the pros to make u ever get excited about him possibly leading our Panthers? I don’t understand any of this “trade for Darnold” talk...closest thing I hope we ever get to Darnold is Dan Arnold
  18. So then ur saying $18mill might be a low ball figure?
  19. Kenny Galloday got $72mill/4 yrs. That’s with some questionable injury history. Let’s use that as a baseline for DJ’s upcoming contract. Based on previous posts I’ve read, I believe there’s plenty on this board who’d argue they rather have DJ over Galloday. But let’s just see how this plays out. Obviously we’d all love to have a stellar WR core. But with the salary cap and all our needs, we gotta be smart about spreading it around. So my question is, if we had a time machine and could go back to before Curtis was signed, would u rather have: Option A DJ - $18mill/yr (minimum) Or Option B Trade DJ for a 1st rd pick Curtis - $11.5mill/yr (what WFT signed him for) Robby - $10-11ish/yr (on another 3 yr deal)
  20. I’m not saying this was a mind blowing comment for me but I damn sure never thought of that before haha. Definitely a plus! If Lance was gone before, I’d strongly consider that 8 for Tua and 18 offer. If we walked away with Tua, Jaycee Horn and Richie Grant after 2 rounds, I’d kiss Fitty on the mouth
  21. If Jets take Sewell at 2, I don’t think the Bengals take Slater at 5. I just signed Reiff to play RT and their coach is at least making it sound like they like their current LT in Jonah Williams who they just recently drafted.
  22. Well this sucks...I remember reading somewhere that we weren’t gunna be playing AT Houston until like 2027 or something. That was one of our few selling points.
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