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Jay Roosevelt

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Everything posted by Jay Roosevelt

  1. How would extending Brown lower his cap hit? I guess if they back-load the contract but he's going to cost a lot to extend.
  2. Give Mike Vrabel a franchise QB and you might just have something. The Titans really had no business being s competitive as they were this year.
  3. Vrabel is a good coach. That surprises me.
  4. Nope. You can't tell me he didn't have a role in this clusterfug.
  5. Yeah, he's my favorite for the GM job along with Adam Peters. Either one would be outstanding hires.
  6. Some good names so far. Bobby Slowick is still my favorite.
  7. If the Raiders don't hire Antonio Pierce and go with Jim Harbaugh it'll be a huge black eye for the NFL.
  8. If Dan Morgan wasn't a former player how many here would be calling for Fitterer's assistant GM to get the job? You can't blame Fitterer without Morgan getting some of that blame as well. It's like the people who wanted to give Fitterer a pass for the decisions made when Matt Rhule was here. Was he the final say? No. But he was damn sure part of the discussions that lead to those mistakes.
  9. Burns shouldn't be our #1 priority at this point. We have much bigger fish to fry.
  10. We're talking about David Tepper and a bunch of (likely) drunk Jaguar fans. There's honestly no telling what was said before the drink was thrown.
  11. If we had the #1 pick this year it wouldn't be completely off the table because we'd presumably have viable other options. But we don't even have a 1st rounder, so we have little choice but to try to turn it around with Bryce and hope a new coaching staff helps.
  12. You don't give up on the #1 overall pick in the draft after one season, I don't care how bad he played. He'll get 2024 to show significant improvement under the new regime. If he doesn't then it's back to the draft board in 2025.
  13. Compared to what? All 32 of these jobs are desirable on some level. It's all about what their other options are at the time.
  14. The talent exodus under him without anything even remotely comparable being brought in has to make him one of the worst GMs of the 21st century at least.
  15. With our OL the answer might literally be yes.
  16. We'll see. I'm definitely not as optimistic as I was before the season but it's just so hard to even tell what's on Bryce and what's on the awful team around him.
  17. Nobody here hates Tepper because he's rich. Being as rich as he is should be an asset as an NFL owner. This franchise has been a disaster ever since he took over. One bad decision after another. There really is no defending it. That said, we are unfortunately stuck with him so we can only hope he does what Jed York and Stephen Ross have done and eventually stumbles onto a good HC/GM combo that can bring us some success, and maybe learn from his mistakes in the process. We'll see...
  18. Realistically Brown is the only player that really deserves a Pro Bowl nod.
  19. This is pretty much the nightmare scenario, IMO.
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