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Everything posted by cookinwithgas

  1. In 2005 we had a little Huddle cookout
  2. update, honestly these have been some of the worst weeks of my life. I've had to go on hemo dialysis while my stomach has healed, and I just cannot tolerate it. It's every other day and when I get home all I can do is lie in bed completely uncomfortable, uninterested in food, cold sweats and unable to sleep. Pain from the surgery was added of course but that's gone now. The good news is that I only have one more session of it and I will be allowed to get back to peritoneal dialysis, and the neck catheter will be removed next week. The transplant search is now getting close, my two main candidates have passed their own doctors checks and are in the transplant system, but it sure seems to be going slow. I've getting added into the VA transplant system as a backup, and they've also finished my COVID vaccination so I will be getting out of the house more soon - the lack of ability to travel and see my family has been nothing but an added mental strain, the awesome vintage sports car I bought to at least get me out of the house and smile isn't running and I haven't had the energy to work on it much, even the Panthers did nothing but let me down lol. Except for Brian Burns, that kids got moxie. Added to all this is that my sister in California has had a terrible new (3rd) round of cancer which shes currently hospitalized for and also had to be on hemodialysis for (if you cant tell i consider that a fate worse than death) and I can't go out there due to COVID risk and my own medical issues, its a helpless situation that I can only hope to assist from afar, and all the people that care for her seem like angry sheep that need herding due to the different doctor orders and opinions. The only bright spots are the people that come forward in these tough times to lend an ear and support, as difficult as the pandemic has made it. You never know who is really there for you until the chips are down and sometimes it can be really surprising. I've had people offer to get tested for kidney donation that I would have never thought of. I talked with my ex wife for 2 hours yesterday, who lost her second husband to cancer last year, volunteering to travel to California to care for my sister. People I see once a year taking the time to write a personal note on facebook asking about all of us. These are the things that keep people in trouble going, so the main thing I want to say is don't be shy about it, reach out to people and just say hello, it really does work.
  3. This is a great idea for a science fiction series. A space station built out on the edges of the solar system for a black hole we figure out how to use to travel vast distances.
  4. yelling like crazy at the moment
  5. It's been a real joy watching him play for our team. I hope he continues to do so.
  6. Second one next week. I did it quickly because I wanted to try and see my sister who is battling cancer in California, but they won’t give her the shot yet so there’s no real point right now.
  7. Thanks everyone. It’s been terrible. But it’s much better now than a week ago. My hope is to get back to tailgating next season along with the rest of the world. A lot of work to do before that though.
  8. Nope all my Pats friends back home were cheering him on. And Gronk too. They still have metric tons of good feelings to shed themselves of.
  9. It was pretty clear that on multiple occasions, the Chiefs were getting flagged for fouls that don't normally get called in playoff football. This was just another nail in their coffin though.
  10. Daughter is out in ST Pete watching and said there was a commercial that was supposed to have Catman but didn’t? Does that make sense? Anyone see it?
  11. Surgery successful and I’m going home today after dialysis
  12. Yes, all the other players I met that night were great so he is indeed a terrible person
  13. my kid loves it and I never know what to order, usually just get the 1/4 chicken, it's kind of unmolested. The muffins or whatever they give you before the meal are pretty good though and they have a bar.
  14. Tomorrow I am getting my sigmoid colon removed, so I will be 1 foot less of an ass. but more of a pain in the ass, if all goes well. I'll be in the hospital for a few days at least with nothing to do so I'll probably post here on morphine at least once or twice.
  15. It's more about parents than kids, but there are kids that will take advantage of the situation in ways they could not if they had to be in class. But it's a pandemic. It's serious. And we are fortunate that this alternative exists in 2020, otherwise there would be NO education.
  16. If both of you are fine with it, don't change. Open and free commitment>marriage. My g/f just wanted to be married, so that's what we did. I would have been better off just living together - but she wanted the kids to have a "normal" life and her family is pretty old fashioned, or at least were at the time.
  17. My tailgate buddy showed up with no ticket, bought one at the gate like a boss
  18. I met him a couple of months after the SB and he was pretty salty to me so screw him no matter what team he’s on, I’ll never forgive him for sucking so bad
  19. I hope to be getting my shot pretty soon. I have to go into the hospital next month for real surgery, and hopefully a transplant sometime after that. I've been isolated forever other than a September trip where I mostly stayed in my car or a hotel room alone.
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