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Everything posted by cookinwithgas

  1. https://youtu.be/rpdPIw1RJVc featuring my tailgate friends having a blast as always
  2. Dr. repaired three tears in my rotator cuff Wednesday. Luckily they gave me the good painkiller so I am chilling at the house for a few days while it starts to set. Hopefully I won’t see the inside of an operating room again until it’s kidney transplant time.
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  4. My good friend Sheree could use your vote. I remember when all of you got the all black Panthers uni voted best In the NFL so some of you are into these things. She and her husband Jeff have been doing charitable things for decades, particularly for breast cancer research and veterans. Hi everyone! The voting is now open for the 2022 Fan of the Year!! Please go in and vote for me, Sheree Pintea, representing the Carolina Panthers.You can vote as many times as you would like. The link below will take you to the bios for all of the nominees and the voting link. please feel free to share https://www.nfl.com/honors/fan-of-the-year/
  5. Hey everyone I wanted to tell you that they froze the mass and did a biopsy, and it turns out I did not have cancer. I am already good to go for my next surgery, which is for my rotator cuff. Need to recover fast as I should be listed for transplant at Tampa soon, and I’m actually in their time window to get a kidney so hopefully it happens fast. I’ve been on dialysis for four years and it’s not a very fun way to live.
  6. I actually sold my spares lol were cooking a pig amongst other meats and the Emeril Legasse tailgate show is filming, gonna suck to be stuck under pop ups
  7. Wife liked the story. She wasn’t a fan of the narrator.
  8. Sent this to my wife, she loves stuff like this. She’s obsessed actually.
  9. Our friend Sheree won trips to the Super Bowl and Draft at the game last week. She does a ton of charitable work, we raised 275.00 for breast cancer research in 50/50 tickets at the Bucs tailgate.
  10. Turns out it was a benign lump of fatty tissue. They were so certain it was renal cell carcinoma they didn’t do the biopsy until they were freezing it. So that was great luck. Not so lucky was that Saturday night I developed pleurisy, which makes it really hard and painful to breathe. Ended up driving to the ER at 4 AM and waiting for absolute hours before I got a massive dose of they said with steroids, and some painkillers that call got it calm down. Got home at 11 AM and ended up sleeping through the game. Thank goodness NFL plus doesn’t Make you wait till after all the games are over to watch a replay now. I’ll be working hard to try to get back on the hospital transplant list this week, and then get ready for rotator cuff surgery in a couple of weeks.
  11. I poo you not my nurses name at the hospital this week was Bronwyn.
  12. Everything went well, I’m back home, was not a difficult procedure but man they conked me out for it. I keep getting the absolute hottest nurses every time I’m in the hospital. Thanks everyone!
  13. Going into surgery tomorrow to remove a tumor from my (failing) transplanted kidney. If it’s successful, I will get put back on the transplant list. I’m still searching for a live donor. My son made this magnet for me to put on all our cars:
  14. Reminds me of this. I thought she had done specific recordings for a project at Paramount to preserve her voice but apparently not. https://movieweb.com/rod-roddenberry-majel-barrett-roddenberry-computer-voice/ David Prowse was pissed when he found out they weren’t using his voice for the character he played on screen.
  15. Got 10 minutes in and almost hit the TV.
  16. It’s great to see that there are other Tolkien fans here on the huddle. the change in disguise for Sauron was supposed to throw off the fans who know the story as written but I figured it out pretty quickly, so I would have rather seen it as written, but it’s still well told.
  17. I have an MRI scheduled for 430 and at first I was pretty upset that that was the only time slot that they had available. Now I think that they really are looking out for my health.
  18. One good thing out of this game he told me his grandma did the string on the door knob trick to pull out his first tooth last night. Not nearly as painful as having to watch this game. But he had a great time cheering and yelling.
  19. just for you sir. Keep Pounding.
  20. I started dabbing on everyone here on the airplane, but security removed me and now I’m in prison. Thanks.
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