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  1. In my opinion as a resident of Panthers Fantasyland - it's my belief that it was as many folks on the squad who would be willing to speak up about it, returning to work after the Chargers game, that forced this change over any objections the coach or owner may have had. So the players responded to their wishes and observations being valued. Maybe both sides will buy in now. Both a system and a group of players committed to it - and it's captain - are needed for it to succeed.
  2. I'm splitting the right upright holding that flag up. To the left is my wife. To the right is the guy that swept my leg running out with the flag causing my first rotator cuff tear, as well as whacking my knee and tearing my pants. I'll never do that again lol
  3. Better batteries have always been the key but the technology is not reaching an efficiency/value point needed for me to consider them at present. But condensing multiple energy users to one energy provider will provide macro economic advantages and hopefully we will get better at energy storage .
  4. I’ve had friends go on four hours about how great their EVs are, how fast etc. but then they started talking about the money and time and hassle Tesla demands from them. Seems like in theory, and in their planning, they had it all figured out, but when the rubber hit the road, it was a lot more of a challenge than they expected. As a techie, I would be all into this. As a person who travels,it’s just not there yet.
  5. Thank you for letting us know what’s up, he’s the best
  6. I optimized my TV for Panthers Blue and Black so it will be good to see it working at peak performance tomorrow night.
  7. I have a friend from New Zealand who is on a 90 day visa, driving all over the eastern United States. He was here for a few days, trapped with some medical issues as well as the crazy rain when he wanted to get to the hickory air Museum. Bit later now, he drove to Charleston just as the weather was starting to get bad and then decided for some reason to head up the coast to Wilmington. I think his brain is still on the other side of the planet or something.
  8. Being from Massachusetts, Aerosmith was pretty much played out through my high school years. The later stuff just sucked balls except for when they did the rap song. “Love in an Elevator”? When I was a little kid, I stayed at a house on a lake in New Hampshire, across from where Aerosmith was playing all summer while writing Toys in the Attic. That’s why I’m so badass. They really were the right act at the right time.
  9. Hemp tastes more like smoking rope but it’s essentially the same chemicals when burned. But it’s legal and easy to get.
  10. Lightning took out my Internet router so I decided to watch an old Panthers DVD from 2005 where DeShaun Foster goes off on the Falcons. Nice timing. Good luck, Deshaun!
  11. My wifes 2015 Town and Country blew up the engine at 170000 miles (kinda her fault dont tell her) so I had to get her a new vehicle. Kids are grown so we got a Tiguan. That van was frickin indispensible and parts were mostly cheap. They wore it out but the sliding doors, foldable seats to a flat floor, and big back hatch held a LOT of stuff. Drove like a car with a view. They are like configurable cargo trucks compared to SUVs, which is the shape everything is evolving into these days.
  12. I’m in MA for vacation from NC and all the weed is great and like half the cost of Delta 8 in NC. Nice to be in a reasonable place.
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