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About CarolinaCat89

  • Birthday 04/20/1989

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  1. just saw where weve led in 5 of the 7 losses, theres hope.
  2. The only reason I like either of em, is becuase their both 89' babies like me.
  3. What is this 60 minutes, Jason Kelce?! Nothing but Jason Kelce the entire pregame.. ridiculous, just because the game tonight isn't ideal, the teams get no coverage. Instead, Jason Kelce gets interview after interview.. like anyone gives a damn about him
  4. lot of stress, bad diet, high blood pressure.
  5. 2013 was one of my favorite seasons. Started 1-3, finished 12-4. The start of our run.. I'll never forget it
  6. Guess their new QB is taking all the RB reps.. this man NEEDS touches.
  7. 70% of the docuseries is just game film. big let down.
  8. There are Seattle nutjobs drinking @ 6AM Imagine waking up at 6AM to drink for... Geno Smith.
  9. this. if everyone remembers, Shenault scored his first TD a few weeks ago off this play, then again off it last night. that's why they kept going back to it, I guess of the 5 or 6 times they've done it, 2 of which have been breakaway TD's. He is a big boy to bring down full speed and tacklers don't want any part of it.
  10. when carolina goes up 10-0, you might be dreaming, this is reality
  11. 2nd & 10 lets hurry to the line and hand it to Cmac for no gain... sums up the panthers play calling since existense.
  12. our offense and team sucks.. just like every year. same poo different year, pathetic ass offense. time to put on another game and its only the 1st quarter
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