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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. I would not be upset with Corral at 6 honestly. Actually might be MORE okay with him at 6, but I would want him to sit a while before he's thrown into it. I like Strong more for a cost/value perspective. I feel that a trade down to acquire more picks would allow us to address the Line, and then allow us to pick Strong either in the late first or early second, and I think he's ready to start immediately. I think Strong and Corral have the highest ceilings in this draft, but Strong is the most ready to start right away. Corral would need some time to sit. I think both have a chance to be great QBs in the NFL.
  2. #2 on social media. Fitting, the product on the field is a big fat #2 as well.
  3. All prospects do. In that same article, it talks about his strengths as a pocket passer:
  4. I agree. I would prefer to trade back, acquire more picks, then take him mid first. Dream scenario is one of the top edge guys falls to us so Philly sends us two of their first rounders to get him. Take strong and an OL with those two picks, then chill for day 3.
  5. First round talent, might slip to the second due to the knee issues. Wouldn't be surprised to see him shoot up draft boards between now and the draft.
  6. Corral is my number 2. I posted about it in the draft forum. I think he needs a year to sit. I think Strong can come in and start day 1. Also, you can be a success in the NFL as a pocket passer, even today. Just because you aren't out there running RPOs and rushing for 1k yards doesn't mean your immobile. Strong has great mobility within the pocket, which is far more valuable than running ability. He has a better pocket presence than Kenny Pickett who is considered a better athlete, and as such, bails on more clean pockets than any prospect in the draft this year. But yeah, I like strong number one for future NFL success in the NFL. If Corral gets a chance to sit and learn, I like him too.
  7. Pickett is a one year wonder, Corral plays in an RPO Offense, Willis is all potential with limited immediate impact, Howell is overvalued by the fanbase due to the proximity to UNC, and Desmond Ridder doesn't do it for me. Carson has the best and most consistent tape of any of the prospects, and he might have the best arm in the class. His biggest issue: his knee. If he didn't have any knee issues he might be the consensus #1 prospect this season. He has apparently had a procedure that has taken hold and hopefully there won't be any issues with the knee moving forward. If he passes medical tests, I want him as our QB of the future. Carson Literature: https://thedraftnetwork.com/articles/carson-strong-interview-2022-nfl-draft Carson video: Carson Film Breakdown: Please discuss how wrong I am.
  8. The more I watch of him, the more Carson Strong becomes my #1 this draft. Knee issues aside, he has the best tape of any of the prospects in terms of skills that translate to the NFL. My current list: 1 - Carson Strong 2 - Matt Corral 3 - Kenny Pickett 4a - Desmond Ridder 4b - Sam Howell 6 - Malik Willis Strong makes NFL throws and reads every week. He isn't "Mobile" in the sense that he will run for first downs, but he can navigate a pocket with the best of them. Dude has a cannon for an arm, something we haven't had since before Cam's shoulder injury. Corral to me has more upside than Pickett, and if he's given the chance to sit a year and learn a pro style offense, I think he'll be really good. Pickett is the "safe" pick in the draft but I question his upside. I think he has a relatively high floor, but his hands scare me. Ridder and Howell are neck and neck for me right now. I like Howell's game, but his long throwing motion is concerning. Ridder is solid, but has some accuracy issues. Would need to take a look at these guys more to really sus out who I like better. Willis - I just don't love as a QB. Dude makes some highlight reel plays but he disappears against higher competition and he is at his best when he is playing backyard football, making magic happen when plays break down - Much like Johnny Manziel, but not as bad.
  9. The last 16 QBs that lost their super Bowl debut have never made it back... Just saying... I expect the Bengals to come crashing back down to earth next season, mainly due to Zac Taylor
  10. The Rams actaully have a good coaching staff and were a good QB away from winning it all. Not only that, but they were savvy enough to not completely destroy their future cap while trying to win it all this year. This offseason, both Gurley and Goff's contracts come off the books for LA. They also have the ability to free up a ton of cap space by extending numerous guys that are good and they are primed to make another run next season as long as Donald and McVay don't retire. TL:DR we are a poverty franchise run by chucklefugs and it would make no sense to "Go all in" based on our current personnel, coaching staff, and cap situation.
  11. One thing we need to consider is whether or not we are at the top of the list of destinations for any of these guys. There are quite a few OL needy teams in better locations/situations than us. Would you rather play in Charlotte or Miami? If you are chasing a ring, would you want to sign with this lame duck coaching staff, or help out the defending AFC champions get back to the ship? Is money all you're after? Well we can pay you an average amount but Jacksonville can pay you more. We don't have the cap space, the locale, or the coaching staff to bring in the best and brightest in FA this season and it's a damn shame. Whoever our QB is next year is going to get demolished for sure if we don't draft any linemen again.
  12. Dude, Cam isn't coming back. I keep seeing people say "Bring Cam back on a 1 year deal!" but it's just not happening. Cam said he doesn't want to sign with a crappy 5-12 team next season. Nothing about where we are as a franchise screams "stability" or "promising upcoming season". Cam's gone, Sam is the QB pending us overdrafting Kenny Pickett with our lone top 100 choice.
  13. I bet I know what Tepper THINKS will get people pumped for next season. New Uniforms. Calling it now. It's the only way they sell any merchandise next season.
  14. We were the worst team in the league after our 3 game win streak winning only 2 out of our last 14 games and ending on a 7 game losing streak. We are potentially losing 2 starting CBs, starting DT, Starting LBer, and a starting safety on defense. On offense, we have no long term solution at QB, our highest paid RB in league history has been chronically injured the past two seasons, Our WRs can't catch, and our offensive line is in shambles. To address all of these roster deficiencies, we only have 1 pick in the top 100 and the 19th most cap space in the NFL. The guy running the show has shown an inability to identify talent necessary to plug the holes, as well as the impatience to trade future assets to "fix" them. Chinn is playing out of position and didn't really have an impact last year. Moore and Burns are solid, but not super star players in this league. Horn, I have no idea about because he was injured all but 3 games last season. You have optimism that 5 players might play well. Ok, fine, good for those guys. 3 of the guys you listed above played fine last year. It didn't help us win at all.
  15. Dude, that would make me feel the exact OPPOSITE. We would have to give up way too much to get him and we are not one franchise QB away from being a winning team. Not only would we give up future draft assets to acquire him, we would then have to allocate 50+ million to him, money that we don't have, and even if we did, it would involve cutting any decent players to support him. This would be another short sighted move that screws the team in the long term. I would probably give up at that point.
  16. Yep that's pretty much how we all feel. But you didn't actually answer the thread's main question. What are YOU actually pumped for in this coming season?
  17. Practice squad players practice with the team literally all year, sometimes simulating defensive and offensive fronts for the team to go against to better prepare for the week ahead. They are in the same positional meetings taking notes and watching film as guys on the 53. They most certainly contribute to getting the team ready week in and week out and are a part of the team, just not on the main roster. By your logic if you are injured before the super bowl and had contributed to every win leading up to it, you shouldn't get a ring. If you are a backup and don't play in the super bowl, then you shouldn't get a ring. I disagree. It's not a joke. Those player all help contribute to winning it all in some way shape or form.
  18. Not much for there to be positive about for next season unfortunately.
  19. I'm in the minority but I'm a yay... If you think he's a franchise QB and you don't have one, you pull the trigger. The fact that I agree with Matt Rhule and co makes it feel like I shouldn't though.
  20. I'm glad our recent shitposting about how much Rhule sucks has brought you joy.
  21. Yep. And again, if he were a regular Junior and 20/21 years old and had the season he had, I think everyone would be pretty damn hyped to potentially draft him. But he's going to be 24 by the start of the season. How much better can he actually get? Is he still ascending or is he about to plateau at age 24? This is where the interviews would come in big. They could ask what changed between his junior and senior seasons, what clicked, what did he work to improve, etc.
  22. And that's what gives me pause. The traits are still there, but WHY did everything jump up to 11 with him in his senior year? Why did he make such a big leap between his junior and senior seasons? Did everything just click? Is he the next Case Keenum? Won't know until he gets to the pros and I don't trust our staff to evaluate the best QB in the class.
  23. Honestly, the more of Pickett I watch, the more I like. I like him and Corral the most of this class.
  24. Peyton Manning did at the end of his career in Denver. He was great the first couple years, the last year he fell off a cliff though.
  25. He has above average arm strength. Very quick release and it looks pretty effortless to throw (even with his baby hands) Honestly, if he were a true junior coming out of the draft, he would be regarded MUCH higher as a prospect. His age gives some people pause since it took him until he was almost 24 to look like a legit QB. The question is - is he a slow learner or did he finally break through the barrier to unlock his true potential? If you would have told me that he was a Junior, looking at his tape, I'd be ecstatic to draft him. His most recent season was a significant jump in production (much like Wilson had last year) but again, it took him until he was an old man among boys to get there. How will he look in the NFL with other grown men around him? I found an article about him last season that talks about the traits he has and how he could be a potential high draft pick in 2022 if he continues to get better: https://www.profootballnetwork.com/pitt-qb-kenny-pickett-serious-qb4-candidate-nfl-draft/ It's a copycat league and I wouldn't be surprised if rhule thinks we are getting the next Joe Burrow if we draft him. That gives me absolutely zero confidence as a prospect though.
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