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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. You're right, that's not high enough praise for him. We need to start comparing him to Brady. Maybe one day Tom will be as good as Carson though.
  2. When he makes these lists, it almost seems like he contradicts himself based on previous breakdowns, praises and criticisms. Either way, his breakdown videos themselves are top notch.
  3. Oh man he slams us hard at about 4:40 Anyway, please enjoy.
  4. And that's where you completely lost me. 3 consecutive years of 5 wins and 3 consecutive years picking top 10 isn't even mediocre. It's just bad. Keeping Rhule for 1 more year only solidifies that he seems to be completely accepting of the situation he created.
  5. Honestly, second best tackle might be Moton. He is quiet, he does his job, but he's been surrounded by crap ever since he earned the starting role so people probably think less of him than they should. Moton is the lone bright spot in the garbage heap that is our line that Rhule has constructed. People are overvaluing Otah. Dude was never healthy and he had more penalties in less than half the games that Moton has started:
  6. Under no circumstances should we be picking up Baker or Jimmy G's contracts unless they give us picks to do so.
  7. Would be one of the better landing spots for Pickett honestly. 9+Games a year in a dome (1 away game in ATL as well) so his baby hands aren't as much of an issue. Would be interesting to see.
  8. I love Carson Strong but was incredibly low on Trask Last year. Player evaluations, especially the QB position, is a crapshoot year in and year out. On tape, I like what I see, but I have no idea what Strong is capable of doing on the white board or in the classroom. But, from what I see, I like his game.
  9. I think you are too into his stats personally. It's college, stats don't really mean anything translating into the NFL. Here's a college player who had similar stats back in the 2007 draft: 71.5% his last two years, 373 yds/gm 3.4/1.1 TD/INT Ratio Colt Brennan, 6th round pick, did nothing in the NFL. BUT elements of Strong's game translate well to the NFL: Arm Strength Pocket movement Accuracy Deep ball placement Autonomy at the line of scrimmage ability to read a defense and take what is given Good NFL Build (6'4 220) He's just got a bum knee and he can't move because of it. There's still a place in the NFL for Carson Strong and I'd be thrilled as hell if we took him at some point.
  10. Fair assessments all around but I disagree about the arm and the windup. His arm is probably on par with Corral's and if not, still above Pickett's. 1-10 scale probably something like: Willis-9 Corral - 8 Strong -8 Pickett - 7 If anything Strong's arm will look better this coming season as he progresses healing from the surgery he had before the season last year. He'll actually be able to step into his throws again. Apparently that's been a point of emphasis for him and Jordan Palmer leading into the draft. As for the release: I don't see the long hitch like I do with Howell. I think it looks a hair slower than Pickett's but the arm strength is there to make up for that slight dip.
  11. I love the way the Bills have established themselves but I have to put the Rams on this list in their place based on the fact they have won a super bowl recently. They're like 5b though.
  12. The Hornets were 1 game away from the playoffs this season. The Panthers have won 10 games the past two seasons. The latter is infinitely worse than the former.
  13. I really just don't like Willis' game at all. Seems like a super nice guy though. A+ Character. I want Corral or Strong.
  14. If Marcus Lattimore can get drafted in the 4th round at RB, Carson Strong can at QB where mobility is even less of a requirement.
  15. Where are you seeing he is coming in for a visit? I've only seen Willis, Picket, Corral, and Ridder so far.
  16. "Happy Panther, who was recently caught jerking off to scat porn, was struck by a car and killed today" The middle part isn't really relevant and adds nothing to the statement about the person's death. If you truly did know and love the person schefter is talking about, it's pretty distasteful to talk about their recent failures when they just died, especially if said failures aren't related to their death at all.
  17. York County Councilman Brandon Guffey's statement on the matter: York County Council Member, Brandon Guffey, releases statement (below) regarding the Panthers: All that is required for a community to be taken advantage of is for good men to do nothing. I’ve personally taken heat over suspending rules to vote on a resolution that was provided on a Saturday to vote on Monday. I’ve been criticized for supporting an alternative option for Panthers organization. I’ve labored behind the scenes urging the city of Rock Hill to pass a resolution as well. A resolution that we were told would satisfy all parties. I come on here to express my personal opinions, not trying to speak as council as a whole, to show the transparency so many have asked for. Regardless of Mr Tepper’s wealth, I have always respected his blue collar mentality and thought he was a man for the working class. I thought this is a man to model yourself afterwards due to some of his past quotes such as “I was never afraid to go back to Pittsburg and work in the steel mills”. As a kid that grew up in Rock Hill without the wealth that so many had and as a man that now digs in dirt for a living, this was a man to look up to. It appears those values I thought we shared have been tainted by the Wall Street investor mentality. I live by hard work. We rise early, stay late, and come back the next day to do it all again. To this day, my slogan is Get Dirty. If I ever act as not caring for the common man, I could only hope another will call me out as I am right now. I ran my county council race in 2020 as being the blue collar bulldog but feel as the billionaire is ignoring the calamity of the blue collar workers in my home. I now run for a seat within the SC house with the same mentality. As I said in my opening sentence, All that is required for a community to be taken advantage of is for good men to do nothing. I firmly believe that and ask that Mr Tepper and the Panthers organization simply come to the table to discuss the option they asked us to propose. Why did myself and other elected officials push so hard to issue a resolution? Everyone has their own reasons but for me it had a lot to do with the families of the local workers on that job site. We did our part to show good faith, hoping to save those jobs. So that all those equipment leases and other contracts wouldn’t be broken. Affording the Panthers organization the opportunity to truly show that we are two states, one team. I stood in the crowd as a fan, a citizen, and with no political ambition when the deal was signed. I was happy that we had a franchise owner that shared my blue collar beliefs. I wasn’t involved in that first dealing with the Panthers but our subsequent efforts were made in good faith. I was constantly defending the argument of “he is just a billionaire throwing around his weight”. I watched as the Tepper family contributed to a park for special needs children in our community, seemed to buy in to what makes our community so great, and continued to lay down their investments throughout. I thought this is a team that is going to give back to our schools, care about the local hard working families and not screw over our working class. What I have seen since getting on Council is not the organization I thought it was. The County, City, Schools and State have all fought hard to do what is best for this community and show that we want the Panthers and Mr Tepper to be a part of it. What have we seen in return? Silence. No response. The Panthers and their owner seem to have forgotten what it means to be a little guy in the business world. Meanwhile I’m questioning, have those local contractors been paid? Will this be a Wall Street deal about saving money or actually taking care of our community that knows dirty hands make the cleanest money? Will we have a road to nowhere? If the facility is not built by 2024, the Panthers stands to lose north of a hundred million in tax credits our state officials worked so hard to get. We won’t have the majority leader in Columbia should they need to come back. What we have now is a road to nowhere and nothing. We have small businesses struggling, a lack of certainty within our community and the resentment towards the Panthers organization is growing daily. We’ve got an outsider bringing in Wall Street values instead of someone that shares our values of a hard days work that so many of us do. I pray that I am wrong but have little faith in a sensible resolution. That crow appears to be coming home to roost. How do York County season ticket holders feel? How do the fans of the franchise we considered our home team feel. How do our small business owners recover from investments made on our future? How do other cities feel about having an irrational actor of the NFL coming to their area? How does Charlotte feel as they negotiate on the terms of their new stadium? How does the brand not suffer anywhere it looks to expand? More questions and more silence!
  18. Him and Corral are my two favorites this year.
  19. Yeah you're not wrong which is just as upsetting, if not more so.
  20. So all the people of Rock hill/York county were fine with giving the panthers tax breaks over the next 25 years where that money would go back to their city/county? Cool cool. Glad they're all happy to forego millions in taxes for their community and have to pay for more poo/infrastructure out of pocket as it comes to the city thanks to the facility. Great deal.
  21. Oh no, I read it, I just don't think billionaires should be making cities foot the bill for their shrines or practice shrines when they can afford it. It does not benefit the communities like they claim it does.
  22. Poor David Tepper and his Billions doesn't want to pay millions for his practice facility. He can fug off if he won't pay. Seriously, no fanbase should pay a dime for the stadiums of teams when Billionaires can afford it.
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