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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. That makes complete sense. Didn't even think of that thanks to the horrible vertical cropping.
  2. He had to blow by somebody to do that, who was it?
  3. Is it just me or does Baker seem to elevate the 2's when he plays with them? Like even if he's getting second team reps he's still making the plays.
  4. Do I need to pick up CJ Saunders as a sleeper in my fantasy leagues? He's getting all the 1st team reps as the slot guy that aren't going to TMJ and Higgins.
  5. I think you're confusing that one with the guy that talked crap to Matt Corral and Brian Burns stepped in.
  6. Also, draft Tucker at all costs. I'm not even joking, dude is one of my favorite fantasy players due to his consistent Flex value output as a kicker.
  7. Didn't realize the injuries Dallas was dealing with. That changes a ton for me personally then: Waddle Williams Lamb Probably the best bang for your buck
  8. The only other guy on that offense that seems to be a threat to his target share is a rookie that many had a second round grade on. Pitts is the #1 in that offense. They may not have the best QB in the league, but arthur smith can design an offense and feed his playmakers (see Titans tenure).
  9. Waddle Williams Pitts/Moore I personally am not as high on Lamb as others. There are more mouths to feed in that offense between Schultz, Elliot, Pollard, Gallup and Washington (if they stay healthy). Lamb is the clear #1, but there are enough solid options in that offense to eat into his targets. Pitts is a freak TE prospect who is pretty much the only proven target on that entire team not named Cordelle Patterson. Moore is good for 1,100 yards and 5 TDs regardless of who's throwing it to him, and with Baker he has the chance to improve. I think he and Lamb have similar years, and he is $4 cheaper.
  10. Ingrown toenails are a bitch. I eventually had to get each of my big toes chemically burned to stop them from growing because they were coming back every month.
  11. It's true, compared to other memes about this team the Matt Corral being the first one on the field meme is wearing out it's welcome... ...quicker than the others.
  12. OK when actual practice starts I just want updates but I'd be lying if this "Matt Corral is always early" meme isn't entertaining.
  13. Just doing a little research on Matt Corral and found an interesting interview with his mother. She talked about being pregnant with Matt, how she didn't get sick while carrying him, didn't have to take any days off, and how her original due date was in March of '99 but Matt arrived in January two months early.
  14. His entire demeanor is different this season. Good to see. Hope he has found some peace with his mental health.
  15. *top 5 in yards allowed middle of the pack as an overall unit. Still an improvement, but not the drastic change people make it out to be. Also, list of defensive players that improved under Rhule: Shaq Donte List of defensive players who have failed to progress/improve under Rhule (so far): Brown Burns Chinn Gross-Matos Pride Jr Kenny Robinson I was honestly disappointed in the play of the defense last year. the first year I thought they played better than expected, last year was a let down.
  16. I love when normal people can give insight on injuries that these superhuman athletes have gotten just so we can put the severity in perspective.
  17. For comparison Darnold: TD-INT 2018 - 5-0 2019 - 8-1 2020 - 2-1 2021 - 6-1 Total - 21-3 Baker is over 3x more likely to get to the red zone and 3x less likely to throw a pick once he gets there. I really don't understand the people that think Baker isn't a SIGNIFICANT upgrade over Darnold. It's not even that Baker is Elite, it's just that Sam is THAT BAD.
  18. Points per drive would be better (18th) Red zone TD scoring percentage allowed would also give a good idea of how the defense performs where it matters the most. (3rd worst) 3rd down % allowed is also a solid indicator of defensive efficiency. (9th best) TO% forced is another good one(5th worst) All things considered we were an OK defense last season. Not good, not bad, but average it seems. Better than 2021, but not as good as many believe we were.
  19. Post em here. I was at a work summit the past few days so I missed all the asshatery in real time, but you best believe if you dingleberries clog up my panther updates thread I will send your ass to timeout for the rest of the day. Please report consistent bickering/dicketry in this thread so I or the other mods will become aware. This post will unlock at 2:22 AM in honor of our two best offensive players.
  20. People don't understand efficiency statistics. On a per red zone trip basis, we were one of the worst defenses in the league. It doesn't matter how the other teams got there, but once they were there, they scored TDs at will. That's not a good defense.
  21. Been like that ever since Tepper took over. Any and all updates only seem to come from in house and there aren't a lot and they are few and far between.
  22. Not a fan of Rhule as our coach but this is grasping at straws when there are legitimate things to bemoan with him as our coach.
  23. Honestly a good interview all around. Would love to see Robbie turn it around. I'm not holding my breath but I'd love to see it.
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