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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. Dude is coming off of two major injuries to different parts of his legs. He might not quite be as explosive as he once was.
  2. I really think that's the biggest issue at the moment for this offense. It's not a bad offensive scheme, but it's complicated, and NONE of these skill position guys have played together before this season. Playbook might be too open for everyone to be on the same page, not just Bryce. If this staff is smart they will simplify some concepts that will put the players in positions to be successful moving forward, and gradually open things up as they get more comfortable.
  3. I don't either. I think the offense kind of sucks. But it IS too early to make definitive claims one way or the other.
  4. We had a top 5 defense at this point back in 2021 with Darnold. ENDED at bottom 5. A lot can happen in 15 weeks my dudes.
  5. Saints and Falcons defensive ratings so far this season: Total Defense: Total yardage: 3rd and 4th Total points allowed: 6th and 9th Yards per play allowed: 3rd and 8th 1st downs allowed: 4th and 15th Passing Passing yardage allowed: 2nd and 7th Yards per passing attempt: 3rd and 4th Chicken or egg situation at this point. Too early to tell if the offense completely sucks or we just kinda suck and are playing good defenses. Let's see how we do against Seattle.
  6. If Microsoft edge has the courage to ask you to keep it as your default browser, you can have the courage to believe that the panthers will get better. But honestly, you're more demoralized now than you were after week 8 in year two of the Rhule era? More demoralized than last year before he was fired? This is cloudy with a chance of optimism for me man.
  7. Brown would turn him from handsome squidward to regular squidward.
  8. He was, had the green dot and everything. Not sure who that goes to now.
  9. That's where I'm at. I'm not thrilled with it. I'm not surprised by it. But I'm not worried about it yet (Even though I am concerned. jk). New coaching staff, new offense, new scheme, new skill players, new QB, plus Reich teams also have a tendency to start off slow so my "Slow start" bingo card is being filled out nicely. I do maintain optimism that it will get better as the year goes on, which is something many have already given up on I guess. Oh well.
  10. He did not. I rewatched some of the last part of the game when Throckmorton was in and dude was kind of a stonewall from the few plays I watched. It may not have been as good as the few I did see, but he anchored his ass and gave zero ground on multiple pass plays.
  11. Not saying my way is the only way, just saying yours seems to have some tunnel vision. Complain about how bad we've been the past 5 years while talking to a lions fan and watch them give you this look: I'm saying have some perspective and take a chill pill. There's bigger more important things in life than getting butthurt about The panthers and their rookie QB in his second game.
  12. Week 8/9 dawg. If we still look this bad at that point with zero improvement over that timespan then it's time to consider panicking.
  13. The worst thing Fitt could do is make another panic trade. It's time to stop mortgaging the future. Take the lumps, eat the poo sandwich, move on. Unless you can get Higgins and a 1st for Burns. I would strongly consider that.
  14. The fact that Mingo, a rookie, is outsnapping him does not bode well for his future.
  15. I remember hearing one scouting report on him had that old cliche "Looks like tarzan plays like jane"
  16. 15-2 incoming but ironically Bryce looks like dog crap the rest of the way so we have no idea what to do next year after an immediate exit from the playoffs.
  17. Receivers can't get open, the secondary doesn't have to work hard to cover them, so they can stack the box and take away the run. Also, just ramming it up the gut every time didn't help either
  18. Tua was a similar prospect in terms of being a cerebral QB with an average arm. Took him a minute to get his poo together in the pros too.
  19. I'm waiting for the all-22. Bryce was by no means perfect, but he was far from the only problem and the potential is there. He can already read a field better in 2 games than Justin Fields can in year 3. Fields is an elite athlete though so he gets away with it by running. I keep saying things will look better by midseason but everyone is tripping over their own dicks to crap all over Bryce and the team.
  20. No we haven't. You all sound like a bunch of whiny babies. Lions fans have gone through hell. Browns fans went through hell. Jets fans have gone through hell. CARDINALS fans are perpetually in hell. We went to a superbowl less than a decade ago and haven't earned a top 5 pick since we took Cam. God forbid the rookie QB doesn't look like an all-pro with a cast of jags who have never played together before.
  21. I'm not going to sit here and tell you he's the next Tom Brady, the offense as a whole has looked bad, not just Bryce. The run scheme was abysmal tonight, The receivers didn't get open, Bryce held onto the ball way too long and tried to play hero ball, he missed plenty of makeable throws and it seemed like there was a disconnect between the entire receiver unit and Bryce. Offense just looked bad in general. But to write him off after two games is completely asinine; Like he and the rest of the offense can't get better as the year goes on. Like he's not a rookie. The offense needs to gel more. I keep saying it's going to take half the season to really get the scheme going but apparently I'm screaming into the void.
  22. This is demonstrably false. He throws guys open a ton. He did it all the time at bama, It's all over his tape. Hell, he's doing it for us now, albeit at a much lower rate. The completion to Mingo at the end of the game, the ball was gone before Mingo even broke his route. Did the same thing to mingo last week on an out route to the sideline. Preseason game 3 the TD pass to Thielen was in the air before Thielen started his move outside then hit him in the face. Those are 3 off the top of my head, there have been more. It's like you guys just want him to fail just so you can be right so you make things up, I swear. Bryce's knocks coming out of college were he is a smol boi, his arm is average, and he would hold on to the ball too long at times.
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