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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. Honestly I feel bad for the kid. I feel like he is getting harsher treatment than he deserves from this fanbase. People are butthurt they didn't draft the QB they liked over him so they are crapping all over him. It's one of those deals where he isn't playing good but he isn't horrible, he's playing like a rookie. I know Tepper, Fitt, and the coaching staff were selling the fanbase on how far ahead he was mentally, but he's still a rookie and there will be growing pains. I think the vitriol that is being aimed at Bryce should be aimed at Fitt, Reich, and Tepper but that's just me.
  2. The offense is definitely struggling in that department but I feel like Evero is doing the best he can with the scraps and backups he's had to use thus far. He's down his top two corners, starting ILB, and starting safety. Secondary was thin to begin with but the defense looked decent until last week.
  3. Ah yes, hockey has line changes. How often does this happen? Do you spread your best players across multiple lines or do the best stay on one line together? Is it common practice to mix and match lines throughout a game?
  4. This guy makes good breakdown videos. Haven't watched yet but wanted to share.
  5. The panthers are a lost cause this year so I'm actively trying to get into hockey this season. The hurricanes are the local team, I was at the stanley cup parade back in '06 but didn't really follow what was happening. I know next to nothing about this team other than they used to be the whalers, we won the cup one time, Brind'Amour was a player for us and is now our coach and doing well. Can I get a rundown of important history, team culture, players, etc. for the team?
  6. Sounds good. Wish I knew more about hockey and the players and the teams history like I do with the Panthers. Helps put context to where the team currently is and who and what to look for.
  7. Done and pinned. Hockey is one of those things I don't hate, I just never got into. My best friend growing up was a huge canes fan and we went to the celebration parade when we won the Stanley cup, but I primarily went because of a girl who was a big canes fan at the time. It didn't work out so I stopped following the team for reasons unrelated to hockey. I also harbored some resentment that the icecaps got kicked out of town when the canes came to town. Ruined my birthday plans as a child since taking a group of friends to a game was no longer affordable. But apparently we're a solid youngish team now? That's nice.
  8. The combo of Fitt and Reich is winless thus far. If things don't vastly improve then I don't want to end up like the 16-18 browns with Hue Jackson and Sashi Brown at HC/GM where ownership sat on their hands for 3 years even though it was painfully obvious things weren't working.
  9. I can't get aboard the patience for Fitt train. The fact he felt we were just a QB away from competing shows how poorly he understands and evaluates as a GM. It's been an ongoing thing ever since he was hired, throwing assets after the big score, trying to win with a lotto ticket over and over again. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt with Rhule being here, but it seems that both were equally incompetent. The team is in a worse spot talent wise than we were when he was hired, and we weren't in a good spot then either. It'd be one thing if our team looked competitive and we were losing close games due to bad luck/injuries but we are getting run over week in and week out. We need a hard reset. Clean house top to bottom, GM to scouting to coaching. There's no reason the team should be as bad as they are this year, and unless some SIGNIFICANT improvement happens over the next few weeks through the bye, no one should be safe. Also, wishing for the best for you and your wife. It absolutely sucks having to watch a loved one suffer/be sick.
  10. Bro, we have a hockey forum on here? I legitimately have never been here before, HA.
  11. Everyone needs to see this
  12. For those who will be at the game now and moving forward, it'd be real funny to get some Oakland A's fan energy into a "sell the team" chant. I have been one of the few it seems to be practicing patience until after the bye week, but I thought we'd have AT LEAST 1 win by then with some semblance of progress being shown week over week. Not throwing in the towel just yet, but I'm close. If we end up with the worst record in the NFL with no first round pick and this coaching staff, clean house top to bottom, hire a director of football operations, and sit the fug down and shut the fug up Tepper.
  13. Nah, we said that if it DID happen then all hope was already lost and didn't matter if it was Ricky Lee or anyone else in his spot, the situation would just be bad.
  14. @Cdparr7 If Ickey gets moved to LG, we might get to see your boy Ricky Lee see some snaps at LT.
  15. I unbanned him this morning Edit: He posted, Didn't see before I responded
  16. And who gave that second owner their power? Checkmate atheists.
  17. Guys, look at what this team has done to you. You're out here attacking each other when the real enemy sits in his ivory tower with a pair of anatomically correct brass balls on his desk throwing good money after bad money and consistently hiring the worst people possible each time he has the chance to fix an issue. Focus the hate towards him.
  18. I'm thrilled for him. Zero I'll will. Glad he's able to shine for a contender and he's not wasting his prime on a perennial loser like Steven Jackson did for the rams all those years.
  19. I forgot about that. I think the question becomes, do you believe him? If so, how much blame are we willing to put at the feet of Scott Fitterrer?
  20. I read somewhere (can't remember where don't ask me to cite it) that good coaching can really only add 2-3 wins per season. The vast majority of the wins were said to come from talent on the roster. That's not to say you wouldn't prefer to have a good coach over a bad one, but they can only do so much. As of right now, we seem to be devoid of both talent, and good coaching, so I have a few questions: In your opinion, what is the ratio of Coaching to Talent in terms of a team's overall record? Which is worse on our team, the coaching or the talent (or both equally suck)? Based on your previous response, who is at fault the most between the coaching staff and the FO?
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