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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. Looking back, I don't think there are 64 players better than Shaq in that draft. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_NFL_draft Some made pro bowls like once but have been JAGs the rest of their careers and bounced around the league or are out of it now. I'd take Shaq over the likes of Vic Beasley, Laken Tomlinson, Jameis Winston or DJ Humphries - All pro bowlers at one point but not better than Shaq has been over the course of his career imo.
  2. It wasn't a second, it was a 3rd and Dan Arnold. Fitterer wasn't gonna do anything with that pick so he got his money's worth with that worthless trade.
  3. One I found from last year:
  4. Some info from this year's "Beast" from Dane Brugler:
  5. Shaq is a pro-bowl caliber player (even if he hasn't made one yet, like Moton) and absolutely worth where he was drafted. Anyone who stays with the team that drafted them for a decade across multiple coaching changes is not a bad player. He's not as good as Luke or TD, but they were All-Pro caliber LBers and he had to step up and fill their shoes. He's done admirably and I have grown to appreciate him for who he is as a player, and not who he isn't (Luke or TD).
  6. Our DL is a who's who of "who?" after A'Shawn Robinson Pretty sure we go after DL and Pass Rusher with Waivers.
  7. We traded back in teh 2nd and got a 2nd next year out of the deal, along with other draft capital, we saw a guy we rated #1 at his position sitting there who was going to be drafted by dallas so we used the later round draft capital to move ahead of dallas and get him. After all was said and done we didn't really lose anything from trading up to get him
  8. Dude takes long strides so he doesn't get out of his breaks all that quick but he covers a lot of ground in a few steps. He's faster than he is quick. I hope he works out, kid works his ass off, so hopefully he can turn out good for us.
  9. Because Reich's scheme was a net negative of 2. So if Bryce is worth only 1 and CJ is worth 2, Bryce is 1+-2=-1 CJ is 2+-2 =0. 0 is better than -1 but it's still 0. Also the line sucked and the receivers weren't open. His weapons and protection were all way better. Fitterer and co sold us fools gold last offseason.
  10. Looking at the RPO and PA stats of our offense compared to the rest of the league with Reich at the helm, the offense was not designed for someone with Bryce's Skillset. It was built for someone with strengths, like CJ. But at the same time, you're the fuging coach, adjust your poo to your players and stop being so fuging stubborn dipshit. Don't throw a fit and poo your pants out of spite if you didn't get the guy you wanted and put him and literally everyone else on the team and coaching staff in a position to fail.
  11. He is but it wasn't designed to go that way and he's out of Bryces vision. Unless you want this QB with average at best arm strength throwing across his body, it was the right read.
  12. I think it was just a way to get Idzik's feet wet as a play caller in the event Canales wants to step away from calling plays and focus on more overall team stuff or Idzik gets a future opportunity elsewhere.
  13. He had a legit great game, it was great to see. I think he makes it to the PS and sticks there this year unless an injury to either Dalton or Bryce brings the need to call him up permanently. BTW, don't know if you guys know this but Idzik was calling plays the second half of the game.
  14. I think they keep TMJ and ISM. Moore and Coker will try to be stashed on the PS, but I'd honestly try and trade TMJ for something at this point. He didn't want to be here last year (Don't blame him really) and he has yet to put it all together on the field, if we could snag a fringe lineman or a late round pick for him I'd be happy.
  15. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, and I don't think Canales does either. The 2.7 second rule that Canales talks about has more to do with knowing that's when pockets tend to collapse rather than ball HAS to be out. once 2.7 seconds hit is when I think they want Bryce to start moving and making plays like he did in college, and using his strengths at improvisation. The throw to Johnson, where he scrambled to the left, Johnson was his 3rd or 4th read on that play, he was looking opposite side of the field, timer went off in his head, he scrambled and made something happen. That was a really good play on that drive for a decent chunk gain. I hope we see more of that this year rather than scrambling into sacks like the deep throw that wasn't in this game.
  16. Offense looked solid. Want to see what happened on that sack with the all-22, don't know if the look was there and he hesitated or if the guy was genuinely covered; as well as the checkdown on the 3rd down, don't know if that was by design to make it 4th and manageable or if others were open past the sticks. Can't argue with a TD though so I'd rate it a B+ outing for the starting offense with room to go down or up based on the film. Also, there were 2 throws across the middle, including the one to Matthews in the EZ. The narrative that Bryce can't see over his line is and has always been dumb. Arm strength and slight frame? Yes those are concerns, but he can throw over the middle.
  17. Potentially beneficial for both teams. Solid move. Nothing to complain about here... So we need to bring up Bryce in a completely unrelated thread.
  18. If he looks bad, this is somehow Tepper's fault. If he looks good, it's the preseason and it doesn't matter.
  19. Totally get and understand it. If you have the means to do it the easy way, do it. But also, you know, fug the man, and all.
  20. There are other, more elaborate ways to stop seeing ads that I've looked into (I fuging HATE ADS). You can install a raspberry pi that hooks up to your modem that straight blocks known ad source websites, but it can get a little technical and you consistently need to update the list of blocked sites. You can do something similar with your router blocking specific ad web servers and that helps but doesn't work 100% of the time. Seriously, fug ads.
  21. Switch to firefox and get ublock origin. Still works for me on youtube as well as all other sites. Doesn't work with chrome because, well, google who owns youtube, owns chrome; and opera and other similar browsers are all chromium based web browsers with chrome's bones in it so they don't work with ublock origin either. I made the switch over a year ago when I heard they might be stopping adblock. I do not miss chrome at all. It's worth the switch and it's free.
  22. Good for him. I remember seeing him on broadcast a few times and he was solid, better than Vilma, which isn't saying much. Glad he's still finding work.
  23. 1.5 good years. Half of 2014 and all of 2015. He was in the dog house before that.
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