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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. ACL's are no where near as bad as they used to be. Jeremy Maclin Michael Irvin Reggie Wayne Anquan Boldin Wes Welker http://rotoviz.com/2014/05/wrs-and-their-acls/
  2. Can the NFL just expand rosters already? I mean Damn, you would think you could have closer to 60 guys with cap increases and the physicality of the game.
  3. Garfield is a pampered pansy who isn't a hardened street thug like Heathcliff. Heathcliff does what must be done to survive. Heathcliff is playing the game of thrones of everyday life. Heathcliff is a baller. Garfield bitches about Mondays.
  4. I'm sorry but you're wrong. Garfield is a fat piece of crap and boring as hell. Garfield's whole schtick is how he hates Mondays and loves Lasagna. That's it. In fact, Garfield comics are better when Garfield is removed from the comics because it shows a slow decent into madness of a lonely single bachelor.
  5. Swing Remmers/Williams to LT All problems solve themselves Profit
  6. When someone worth signing at a reasonable price becomes available. Between completely revamping the entire O-Line, entire receiving corps, and entire secondary in the 2 years he's been a GM while digging us out of 16 million cap hole and trying to lock up a franchise QB in the process, I'm willing to give him a pass on LT, even though it's important. He's just playing the cards he's been dealt.
  7. We were so spoiled by gross... We didn't know how good we had it with him. That "Average" year was still far above average compared to everything else.
  8. I think we all just expect another thread on Zod's man crush of the month by this point so no one has to ask anymore.
  9. I like reading about the UDFAs, any and all. I'm interested in how Marlowe is doing specifically, and now that Houston is retiring, how the bottom of the CB depth chart will shake out. Also interested in the DTs and how that's looking with our two best guys injured. How is the Rem-Job looking? Not really hearing anything about him so I'm assuming that he's just taking care of business because no news is good news when it comes to o-lineman. If you can get a chance, ask him why don't they try him at LT.
  10. I was going to make the same argument. People have short memories though and only remember last year when the shitty vets started over our unproven unknown youngbloods. Eventually the shitty vets proved to be too shitty, so they put in the young guys and the young guys stepped up. They forget about the year before when we started double digit rookies. Now FOX... he had a vet boner...
  11. That's not Ron, That's the new CBA. They have rules against too many practices/padded practices, etc. It's league wide, not just here.
  12. I could make the exact OPPOSITE argument based on the quality of Tackles that have come out since Gettleman has been our GM. He's avoided all of them (when he's actually had the opportunity to draft them, not when taken before he could). He's doing fine.
  13. There have been no 1st round OT's worth drafting since Gettleman took over. He did manage to find us Remmers at the bottom of someone's roster. He knows what he's doing. There have been some decent guys out there, but they were all overpaid and it showed. He has yet to overpay for a player.
  14. What about the DB from Clemson? Think he can beat out White or Houston for one of the last roster spots at CB?
  15. are they just not options where you live or are the prices just ridiculously high?
  16. Thanks man, that was really helpful.
  17. Thanks for the info. I don't have an iphone but I'm taking in all the info I can. Do you have an antennae to watch games with, and if so, how clear is the HD Picture through it?
  18. I've already signed up for HBO Now and will be getting the App when it comes out soon. I'll use my parent's or a friend's login info for Watch ESPN so I can still watch MNF, An antennae for gamedays, and I'll be grabbing a roku for the streaming apps. All the hardware I buy will be roughly the same price as I was making as a monthly payment towards satellite. Now I just need Google Fiber to get into town so I can drop windstream and I'll be beyond thrilled.
  19. I'll wait for it to hit the internet because I just cut the cord today. No more BS dealing with Dish or TWC. I'm done with them all.
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