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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. For reasons you listed above I have absolutely no qualms with Luke stepping away before turning 30. Fun as hell to watch him play, but I hope he got out soon enough to where he can still live a normal life without severe physical pain on the daily.
  2. That was deeper and more profound than I ever thought he could ever be. He's not wrong at all. Looks like he got some therapy after retiring. Not a bad thing.
  3. What about his playstyle is even remotely similar to Manziel? Johnny football did not play within the structure of the offense. It was one read, scramble, chuck it up to Evans to bail him out. He didn't make reads. He didn't make progressions. He didn't throw guys open. He ran around until he got free or chucked it up for someone to bail him out. Wilson actually makes progressions. Wilson throws with anticipation. Wilson actually watches film and studies the game (so say his coaches and others within BYU). Wilson's runs are generally speaking designed runs for him in their offense. Watching all of his throws across many games, not just the highlights, shows that he can manipulate the secondary with his eyes and can read defenses. I don't necessarily think he'll be ready right out of the gate, but I do believe that he has the ability to be a great QB in the NFL. As for the character stuff, I have only seen those things reported on Walter Football and nowhere else. I'm not saying it's not true, I just have not heard those or similar rumors about him anywhere else. They also contradict themselves when they say he's not a leader but his teammates will play for him. So again, not saying it's not true, and I've been on the lookout for more of those rumblings, but I have not seen any more. There were WAY more off field concerns with Manziel out of college and they weren't all drug related.
  4. I'd rather have him over Teddy. No idea what the cost would be for him though. A second?
  5. I hate admitting this, but the new MGK album is really, really good. There's a severe lack of pop punk/punk rock in today's music scene. He got Travis barker to produce the album and it shows. It's good guys. I hate that I like it, but I can't stop listening to it. He's way better in this genre than he ever was as a rapper.
  6. Hurney has conditioned this franchise to believe that 1st round picks are the only valuable pick that the team has. Years of missfires in all other rounds have rendered the importance of our first round picks as priceless, when other franchises can have success without drafting a stud in round one because they find contributors in other rounds instead. If our GM is good, then he can still put together a solid team without a 1st rounder. Will it be a bit more difficult? Possibly, but again, if he's good, he can make it happen. Which is why keeping Hurney around for so long just pisses me off even more.
  7. Dude, Stafford in that offense would be friggin DIRTY.
  8. Just opened an account with them. I'm transferring all my robinhood money over there in the morning.
  9. Ayyy good for Ron fug cancer. All my homies hate cancer. And Robinhood.
  10. your avatar fits my mood perfectly. What are you guys using to buy? I was using robinhood and they locked the stocks down today. Pissed me the hell off.
  11. How much value do two 32nd picks in the draft really hold though?
  12. You want an invite? Also this morning is bullshit. I had my orders to buy AMC and GME canceled. Heads should roll for this.
  13. If I recall correctly, Herbert was turning heads last year as well...
  14. Trade a 2nd and a mid rounder for Stafford. Take Pitts at 8. < -- This is the trade that would produce the most immediate success for us If we can't do the above, trade up to #2/3 and take the QB the team values the most. This will most likely take multiple 1st round picks. This trade has the potential to provide the most long term success for us.
  15. If we trade for Stafford, then we should take Pitts with the #8 pick. I really was surprised at the way the board over valued Thomas this offseason. I got crap for calling him a JAG because he was a 4th round pick who really hadn't shown much. It wasn't because I hated him as a prospect, he just hadn't done anything to warrant the hype the fanbase generated for him.
  16. Dude is also a freak athlete. A lot of people don't realize that. He actually ran snaps at WR in the NFL at one point and there's a highlight real of him going HAM in an intramural basketball league.
  17. Wilson is my pipe dream but I feel like he's going to be the #2 QB off the board and the only way we can guarantee that we get him is if we trade up to 2 or 3.
  18. Well, we weren't for about 2 years there, but in between those two years we brought Hurney back and we aren't rolling much cap over again (to no surprise).
  19. Bengals are getting new Unis... Where are ours damnit?!?!
  20. Look at those construction cranes in the background. Symbolic, no?
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