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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. I have not seen the video and am missing the context.
  2. For real, Dude is legit a freak athlete. BTW for anyone interested: Cam was a 10/10 Luke was a 10/10 Chinn was a 10/10 Here's our team's entire RAS history: https://relativeathleticscores.com/2020/12/31/carolina-panthers-ras-history/
  3. Well Damn, I was erring on the side of caution because he was so bad last season. He took a GIANT step back last year. If he's not broken, there's no reason he couldn't go 3500 yards, 25 TDs and under 10 INTs next year in a system with a ton of support.
  4. My guess is his stats take a jump on par with Alex Smith his first year he had competent coaching with Harbaugh 20 TDs 13 INTs 3400 yards 61% Completion percentage. Not a jump that would put him in the pro bowl, but a big enough jump that he shows enough improvement for us to hold onto him for the future.
  5. Moore and CMC run the best routes on the team.
  6. One thing I was not thrilled about was our lack of interest in a Kicker either in the draft or as a UDFA. We are currently rostering two kickers: Joey Slye - Incumbent Kicker, Leg like a shotgun blast with roughly the same accuracy Matt Ammendola - Rookie we brought in early in the offseason from OKSU and potential IG Model if the whole kicking thing doesn't work out. The names above don't inspire the most confidence heading into the 2021 season. Slye's college FG% was 72.9%, his Pro FG% has jumped a few points up to 79.4%. Ammendola's College FG% was 76.9%. That's all we've got on him. Kicking in college tends to be more difficult than in the pros due to the wider hashes and lack of specialized balls used specifically for kicking. How confident are we in the current state of our Kickers, and should we be looking elsewhere for a kicker?
  7. Zylstra I think makes it for ST ability. The other two are a toss up. I think it comes down to who can pick up the offense the best, and who can return kicks. I think it comes down to Moore, Kirkwood, Smith, and whoever can return punts/kicks.
  8. Everyone seems to be neglecting their offensive line, which has been a real issue for them recently. They have all the skill players in the world but the line can't block long enough for Matt Ryan to get the ball to everyone.
  9. My grade: Incomplete. It literally just happened. I'll grade it 3 years from now
  10. I don't remember Coastal eating his lunch, for the most part it was the guard that was failing that game.
  11. Gurley ran hella fast until lingering Knee issues derailed his career. I'm not upset by the pick, but I am noticing a trend in the moves Fit has made so far. I hope like hell it all works out.
  12. The injury concerns concern me. In fact, damn near all of Fit's moves this offseason have been injury concerns. My worry is everyone dies by week 8 next year.
  13. Gettleman Era - 4/6 good Hurney Era - 2/15 good players (Kalil and Chinn). 3/15 meh guys (Foster, Marshall, Jackson). Rest Sucked. Pre Hurney Era - 5/7 good players We kept that one piss stain as GM for 13 years...
  14. Raiders about to trade the next 4 drafts to move up to 1 to take him.
  15. Man it might be worse than Matt Kalil. Kalil only made 25.6 Million for a year of mediocrity and a year on IR. Teddy is walking out the door with 31 Million for one year of subpar QB play. No bueno.
  16. For the right price, yeah I would. Dude went through a very similar clusterfug in SF years ago, he'd probably be able to provide Darnold some good insight/direction. Also would be good to have a vet Backup in the QB room. Have Darnold stay in his pocket much like McCown his rookie year. Honestly, low risk, if it's for the right price, why not?
  17. Any LT with a pulse in this draft > what's on our roster.
  18. We don't NEED a new stadium. But we're probably going to get one regardless.
  19. Steve Young Ryan Tannehill Rich Gannon Trent Green Aaron Rodgers Terry Bradshaw That was off the top of my head. Do I think he's going to be great? No, not really. But it HAS happened before so there is a chance he could be.
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