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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. One thing I'm seeing with Darnold is his low release point when he throws. He's not the tallest QB in the world and the ball comes out pretty low, I'm interested to know how many balls he's had swatted down at the line so far in his career.
  2. Seeing ghosts isn't what people think it means. It doesn't mean he's scared. It doesn't mean he's afraid of the defense. The phrase seeing ghosts means he's seeing things that aren't there, as in, he got confused by the defense of arguably the greatest coach of all time. So it's something that can be fixed with more film study and experience.
  3. I really do feel sorry for Ron in this situation. It really baffles me how little that team seems to care about Ron's health considering his cancer issues last season.
  4. If we would have just sent Short out to pasture last season we could have had both... Anyway, I'd rather have Moton. Glad the deal got done.
  5. I don't think anyone is touching this trade until the criminal aspect of the investigation is closed. If it were just civil, I could see a trade going down. The criminal investigation makes it much less probable. Having said all this, My neighbor is a defense attorney (used to practice in Texas actually) and said during the draft that any team that needed a QB should trade for him now while the price is low because he is most likely walking away with a slap on the wrist.
  6. Minshew broke his thumb/tore some ligaments in his throwing hand and hid the injury from the team early in the season on October 11th. He got benched when it came to light and then after he healed they wouldn't start him because the tank was in full force. As much as I like Minshew, I like Lawrence and Wilson better so I don't blame them. Either way Minshew was still able to throw for more TDs in a season (16) than Teddy ever has (15) with a busted up hand and only starting 8 Games. Minshew was at the top of my "Realistic QB Options" wishlist this offseason, and unless we full on tank next season and are primed for a top QB in the draft, He'll be at the top of my list next season too. Only If Darnold continues to suck though. If Darnold gets better I have no issues rolling with him moving forward. I'm pulling for Darnold but he wasn't anywhere near my top choices to replace Teddy.
  7. Agreed wholeheartedly. Minshew, from an offensive standpoint, was in a far superior situation than Darnold ever was. Wilson's supporting cast is suspect at best and I think he will experience some growing pains becuase of it (I am personally VERY high on Wilson as a prospect though). Darnold really is an unknown at this point. I think Minshew is a more known commodity which is why I wanted him. That and the meme potential.
  8. I was firmly entrenched in the "Trade for Minshew" Camp. Still think he has a chance in the league.
  9. Rodgers owns Wisconsin. Hell, Rodgers owns Giannis' team... Definitely Rodgers. But Giannis' story is dope and I'm happy to see a small market team win a ship in basketball.
  10. You guys notice how tight lipped this FO has been so far?: Horn wasn't really on anyone's radar for us to draft Darnold Came out of Nowhere Nobody thought we would sign Moton long term until basically 20 minutes before it was announced. The stuff with Teddy was all Tepper's doing, that's why everyone knew about it, and everyone knew we needed a QB so we were obviously in the Watson discussion. But yeah. It's a new time. I like it.
  11. He's obviously trying to live up to the legend that wore the number before him. David Gettis
  12. I think the fanbase and media will make a bigger deal about it than it actually is. If we lose to the Jets then I'd be more upset at the defense honestly. No reason a team with no weapons, a rookie QB and a patchwork line should beat us.
  13. Darnold OL Our Revamped Secondary 3rd WR spot TE How's Chuba looking?
  14. You can sign him to a long term deal that won't destroy your cap this year, and it's estimated the Cap will skyrocket next season. The saints find a way to do this crap every year. Moton is well worth top 5 RT money. At this point it should just be a bout contract structure as to not handicap us in future seasons.
  15. Burns' size was a legit concern. Dude is LEAN as all hell for a DE. Has the length and the strength but there were concerns that he wouldn't be able to put on weight/keep it up in the NFL.
  16. I mean this with all the love in the world, I honestly have no idea what people are talking about in terms of the "ups" when they talk about the ups and downs that Pride experienced last season. I really didn't have high expectations for him last season, and he played just as bad as I expected.
  17. Jesus, I spend one day actually working and this place falls apart.
  18. Best deal Marty made in the past decade was the Greg Olsen Trade (And it was a FANTASTIC Deal). But he coasted on that good will for too long.
  19. If Sam jumps to even mid tier starter, that would be the biggest jump of any of the QBs on that list. When you're in the basement the stairs only go one way.
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