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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. FAKE NEWS! SHADY BRADY left the AFC East to get AWAY from The Darnold, but we will not Rest until EVERYONE finally understands that the GEQBUS is the GOAT. That is why, and this is a secret, very few people actually know this, but I have it on good authority, that Darnold himself ORCHESTRATED the trade to the Panthers in order, to once and for all, PROVE his superiority to SHADY BRADY. This MVP Race is Sam's to lose because SHADY BRADY is TOO OLD with LOW ENERGY to finish out this season. Do you really trust an MVP candidate as old as Brady to finish the season? He's losing his wits, you can see the decline started last year when he couldn't even count how many DOWNS there were when they LOST on MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL, such a PRIVILEGE to even play on that stage, and he can't even count to four, it's so easy, one two three four, Look I just did it myself. SAD.
  2. screw you guys, this meme is fuging hilarious
  3. A preemptive Congratulations to Sam Darnold for winning his record breaking 40th consecutive Player of the week award for his MASTERFUL performance against the LASIK LOSER Jameis Winston and SHAMEFUL Sean Peyton, who some say, there are rumors let me tell you, I've heard them, I know you have too - they aren't very good, it's been said by MANY people that he as a little problem with prescription drugs. SAD. Some say the streak of 40 consecutive Player of the Week awards doesn't count because he missed some games due to MONO, but that is FAKE NEWS. Sam won those weeks too! I have evidence, It's true, I do, I have EVIDENCE that Sam in fact WON those POTW awards due to his STELLAR play. He received MANY VOTES throughout the years to receive these prestigious awards on a weekly basis. They say the voting for the POTW isn't over yet, but I say he's already won, and you all do too. GOOFY GOODELL needs to STOP THE COUNT and give Sam his award that he has rightfully EARNED.
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/the_darnold FAKE NEWS the GEBQUS's greatness has been known for YEARS. There are some people, believe it or not - not very intelligent people by the way - some would say they are stupid, not me, I would never, but SOME PEOPLE, who thought FAKER MAYFIELD was the best QB in that draft, but we all know who the real WINNER is. The Darnold will continue his UNPRECEDENTED two game winning streak on Thursday when we go down to Houston and take out DESEAN the DEVEANT and his LOW ENERGY team.
  5. Mom I want Ricky Proehl. We Have Ricky Proehl at home. Ricky Proehl at home:
  6. O-Line isn't getting the push necessary to get those yards. hopefully that improves moving forward.
  7. One: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we'd need another angle. Looks like it's on the line to me, but it's damn close.
  8. Jameis is a 5 TD game waiting to happen every time he steps on the field. The real question becomes how many of those 5 TD's are actually going to his teammates?
  9. Dammit @Zod why did you remove the 28-3 reactions?! It was MADE for threads like this!
  10. The week he plays us he'll post a video of him playing soccer with his kids and someone will kick it out of bounds.
  11. Oh no he's getting cut. Oh no, Brady and Scott are getting cut too.
  12. Further away from it all the more I look at it like this: Hurney was our overly romantic and sweet boyfriend from high school who was terrible with his money (overpaying for bad players), always in debt (Cap hell), and kind of taking advantage of our good will (sticking around through years of incompetence). We could probably get a hotter guy if we wanted (one with an actual scouting background), but we were content with the familiarity. We finally realized his shortcomings and dumped him for the more driven and slightly hotter Gettleman (scouting background). Because we were with Hurney for so long, we needed a rebound and he was the opposite of everything we were familiar with. While he was more financially stable, he was also kind of an asshole to our friends (releasing smitty, dropping Norman) but took us on sweet vacations (the playoffs) to make up for it. Then we got tired of him being a dick, and we missed the sweetness of our ex, so we Dumped Gettleman the first night on a vacation that he had spent a good chunk of his time planning (2017). Against our friends wishes, we jumped right back into Hurney's arms. This time it would be different, he even told us that he had changed! At the beginning it looked like he had (2017), but then he started reverting back into his old bad habits (bad contracts, cap hell) once he got comfortable, so we had to dump him again. After taking some time for self reflection, we made some nice online dating profiles across all the big sites because we really wanted to find the right guy for us (exhaustive GM search this past offseason). We found a guy that checked all the boxes, and so far, things are going really well (Fitterer). He is great with his money, seems pretty nice, and tries to do better when he messes up (Perryman, Little, etc.) Right now he's saving up for a nice trip that hopefully, we'll be able to go on it in a few months (playoffs). Fingers crossed that he's the one!
  13. I guess I was one of the few who was actually impressed with how our defense wasn't #32 in the league with as many rookies and Tahir whitehead having to play last year. We also got better as the year went on, which was also encouraging.
  14. Agree with everything but who you preferred. Give me 4 playoff seasons in 5 years over 3 in 13. Then again, I too am glad we have Fitt now. Seems like a dude that isn't content on resting on his laurels.
  15. Well Matt Rhule didn't say it so they actually have a chance of contributing.
  16. I see Fitterer streams his kickers in FF.
  17. I'll wait to crown him until he kicks one when there's an iota of pressure involved.
  18. *2nd round guard 3rd round tackle That's what he said in the video.
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