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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. I really don't make threads like this ever, but I am just completely disinterested in this team. I have purchased tickets to at least one home game every year since I moved to the area back in 2014, but I have yet to buy any since 2018. We kept Hurney on board long enough for him to fug up another draft (2019) and dole out a record breaking contract to a RB while said RB was still under contract for two more years only for it to blow up in the team's face (oh wow, deja-vu). We have no long term solution at QB while committing close to 60 million and 3 draft picks on the position since last offseason. The team looks like it is getting worse as the season goes on. We are getting blown out, the offense can't score, and the coaching staff is getting out coached week in and week out. We have very few draft picks for next year because we traded a 2, 4, and 6 for the worst QB in the league as a reclamation project that was DOA; and we are without a 3rd that we traded for a project CB that the coaching staff fell in love with during the 2020 draft. Things looking the way they are, there is little to look forward to in the near future as a Carolina Panthers fan. At least in 2010 we had the #1 pick to pull for with the chance at landing a franchise QB, and the foregone conclusion that Fox would be gone and a new era of coaching would bring new excitement to the team. We are hemorrhaging money and picks at the QB position with absolutely nothing to show for it, our best player is hurt (again), our coaching staff looks out of their depth every week, effort is lackluster from all areas of the team, there are no slam dunk QB prospects available in the coming draft, our offensive line is in shambles, and it seems like we are going to give Matt Rhule another year as HC while other candidates with better NFL Resumes will grab HC jobs to breathe life into downtrodden fanbases. Rebuilds don't have to take this long in the NFL. Look at the Rams, Browns, Chargers, Tennessee, Buffalo, and Dallas for examples of new coaches getting results within 2 years of being hired. What do we have to root for on Sundays now? The corpse of Cam Newton? A rookie RB who looks... decent? WRs that can't get open? An Offensive Line that can't block for crap? A Defense getting manhandled in the run game week in and week out? A very bad Special teams unit? We are on a downward trend and I don't have the optimism I've had in the past that things are going to get better. It seems like every choice we have made since Tepper took over has been the wrong choice that results in the worst possible outcome. I am not a fair weather fan, I will always root for this team, but I just can't invest the time or money into a franchise striving for incompetence like the Panthers seem to be.
  2. She honestly could have been talking about CMC's injury for all we know.
  3. Hacket McDaniels Moore Daboll I'm good with any of them. I'm done with Rhule. I want something new. John Fox 3.0 (2.0 was Rivera). Please please please. Please. Please.
  4. I normally roll my eyes at BigKat threads but honestly, I feel the same way right about now. McDaniels was honestly #1 at the top of my list of who I wanted us to hire two years ago. I think he learned a lot from his first go round with Denver and it humbled him greatly. But whatever, we're stuck with Rhule now.
  5. Moton usually looks damn good but even he looked like hot garbage yesterday.
  6. This team sucks and I'm done with this staff. Hit the reset button. Get a new HC, preferably a young offensive mind.
  7. When you're in the basement the stairs only go one way. Let the boy start.
  8. Jesus Christ, the one GOOD thing about Cam being gone was all the dumbass hot takes about his celebrating were gone too. Reddick: Talks about the defensive leadership needing to hold younger defenders accountable The Huddle: ReDdIcK sAyS cAm NeEdZ tO cElEbRaTe LeSs
  9. he's also been injured all year, so there's that too.
  10. I'm so happy Cam is back and I really hope that he plays great, but I am not holding my breath for a 300+ yard passing game. He's been here for just about a week total now, that is not nearly enough time to absorb an offense. At this point, the question is - is a brand new Cam Newton with a massively reduced playbook better than PJ Walker who's been in the system for 2 years? I don't want the team to set him up to fail and hope they give him enough time to digest the offense before they throw him out there.
  11. Moton is the only one worthy on offense Reddick, Jackson, Shaq on defense. If Burns and DJ finish strong then they should make it too.
  12. looks like the hammie was just a charlie horse. The play before he took a knee right to the thigh, looked like they were rubbing a knot out.
  13. Contrary to popular belief, the adage's original meaning was "whatever can happen will happen" given enough trials. However since the 1950's, the contemporary form of Murphy's law has taken on the meaning of "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" - And I'll be damned if that hasn't been our QB situation since 2016 The Cam Injury Timeline: 2016 - After winning the MVP the year prior, Cam is headhunted at the beginning of the season by the Broncos which shows the rest of the league that they can tee off on him however they want. The team struggles due to the loss of talent, and Cam injures his throwing shoulder trying to make a tackle on an interception that Kelvin Benjamin Half assed a route on. This was the beginning of the end. 2017 - An offseason rotator cuff surgery leads to an up and down year of Cam's play, with many practices missed, and a wildcard spot eventually captured. The lack of practice throughout the season was apparent as Cam had a mediocre year by his standards. It becomes apparent that changes need to be made to his mechanics in order for him to prolong his career. 2018 - Norv Turner is brought in to help the offense and Cam has a new throwing motion with noticeable less zip on his passes. Despite the reduced arm strength Cam starts the year off great on pace to repeat his MVP performance of 2015 until TJ Watt speared his throwing shoulder. After that hit, Cam couldn't throw the ball 10 yards down field. He is eventually shut down at the end of the season and questions linger about his long term viability as QB 2019 - Cam hurts his foot in the preseason and reaggravates it in the first two games and is shut down for the rest of the year. Enter Kyle "Baby Goat" Allen to right the ship while Cam is away. Kyle starts off fine, then is immediately figured out by the rest of the league as he spirals into an abyss of poor QB play. Ron is fired before the season ends and Questions abound about the future of the franchise, as well as Cam Newton The Post Cam Era: This is where every worst case scenario begins to happen one after the other 2020: Matt Rhule's reign begins and he wants to put his mark on the team. He has a former MVP QB on his roster that has not been healthy for 4 years so decisions must be made. Cam is unceremoniously released from the team and we sign Teddy "Two Gloves" Bridgewater to a ridiculous contract. Best case scenario in this situation - Teddy is the new Franchise QB. Worst case scenario is not that he sucks horribly, it's that he's mediocre enough to win enough games to knock us out of contention for a top draft pick in a loaded QB draft. So what happens? Teddy is mediocre and we win enough games to knock us out of contention for a top draft pick. Teddy is then traded in the offseason for a 6th round pick because his contract is so terrible it's the only deal we can make for him. We are on the hook for 30+ million dollars of his remaining contract. 2021: After the firing of Marty Hurney, new blood is finally brought in with Scott Fitterer, a Seahawks front office disciple with the undeniable urge to wheel and deal like a wall street broker. One of his first big moves involves trying to trade for Matt Stafford, stud QB for an abysmal Franchise. The terms seem solid and everyone seems happy except for Stat Padford so he vetoes the trade so we can't land him. He is then dealt to LA, to make him happy and I nor any other panther fan really can't blame him. With option A off the table, Option B becomes Deshaun Watson who is so ridiculously pissed off at the Texans that he refuses to play another down for the team. This is good for us because he played at Clemson and it would inject an immediate shot of adrenaline into the fanbase to get them pumped for the coming season. Deal is being fleshed out and it almost looks immanent that we will make the trade but, uh oh, turns out Watson is a sexual deviant and 23 women have accused him of sexual misconduct trying to get rub and tugs from masseuses and massage therapists that he flies out from around the country... So... that tanks. Option C... What is option C? Fuck it, trade for Sam Darnold. We then decide to make a trade for Sam Darnold, a QB who hasn't played well but has been with a dumpster fire organization. The team believes that they can salvage his career and turn him into the franchise QB that he was supposed to be. In order to do this, The Panthers trade a 2021 6th rounder, a 2022 2nd rounder, and a 2022 4th rounder to acquire his talents. With such a large investment in the young QB and the 5th year option deadline fast approaching, the decision is made to exercise said option. This gamble is based on a few things: They believe the coaching staff is capable of breaking Sam of his bad habits. The initial investment to acquire Sam is so large that they can't afford to let him go after one season because that would look like a horrible use of draft capital. If they can turn his career around, they will have him on a "Cheap" deal for a franchise QB at 18 million for the 2022 season. They believe Sam to be a better prospect than the QBs available to the team where they sit in the draft. Picking up the 5th year option shows that the team has confidence in a young man who has very little himself, and shows that they believe in him and his future. Best case scenario, we found our Future franchise QB and we have him for cheap for one more season while we work out deals for players who have expiring contracts. Worst Case Scenario - Sam is absolutely just as bad as he was in NY, he sucks so incredibly much and we wasted 3 draft picks to get a dumpster fire of a QB with nothing to show for it after passing on the likes of Mac Jones and Justin Fields who were available at the time of our pick. As you are all aware, we have entered worst case scenario territory. How do We fix this? Cam Newton Redux: We drunk dial our ex asking for forgiveness, that's how we do it. We offer Cam a contract halfway through the year that has the potential to be worth 10 million dollars. Cam being the bro that he is, is willing to come back and play for the team that once scorned him. It will take time to get him up to speed, and we have no idea if this is going to work or it too, will also blow up in our faces (recent patterns suggest the later) but I'll be damned if we won't have fun doing it. Knowing how truly dark it can get, it seems like the fanbase finally understands how good Cam was for us for almost a decade. Conclusion: Injuries and poor decisions have left us in QB purgatory with no long term answer currently under contract for the future. Our best bet is a bruised and battered Cam Newton, who, again I will remind everyone, is not under contract next season and has a very long recent history of injuries. With Cam coming off another significant injury and not being truly healthy in years, moving on from him was not necessarily the wrong move at the time even if the way they went about it was a bad look. However, each move we made thereafter has been the absolute worst move that we could possibly make leading us to our current precarious predicament. Lord knows what the future holds but I am terrified of what will happen next. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
  14. I disagree. It's far worse to be clowned for not giving a crap than it is to be clowned for trying to help your team.
  15. If his signing snowballs into a deep playoff run/Super Bowl victory, It will go hand in hand with a super bowl win. As of now, it was cool and too early to say if it matters in the long run.
  16. Jackson will be the priciest so I think we let him walk.
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