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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. No. Not at all. I will always appreciate Cam for everything he did for the team and City but he's done. He hasn't played even average since the first half of 2018 and people wanting to see him continue will be the same ones that rake him over the coals when he continues to play horribly after the first month. And Willis, I do not like as a prospect. He very well could have the mental capacity to make immense improvements over the next season or so, but his game is so raw and unpolished my expectations are incredibly low. Do not like this scenario at all.
  2. Willis is 6'0 and 1/2 inches tall and 219lbs with a good arm Cam was 6'5 and 245 lbs with elite arm strength. Cam stepped up in big games, Willis did not. Cam threw guys open and didn't leave meat on the bones with his passes downfield. Willis constantly misses reads with open receivers downfield and then scrambles like Johnny Manzel. Cam wasn't a scrambler, he ran designed run plays. Willis is an elite scrambler, and he often does it unnecessarily. I do not think they are comparable players personally.
  3. I like the dude, don't like the dude's Game. Talked about it in the other thread, he has some amazing highlights but he leaves a lot of meat on the bone throughout each game. Great at backyard football, not as great at structured football and played significantly worse against better competition. His game reminds me of Johnny Manziel but not a shithead and apparently a very hard worker. Wherever he goes, he should sit for at least a year.
  4. If we go into the season with Eiflein as our starting Center, we are fuged. Whoever starts instead of Miller is addition by subtraction. The fact he started as much as he did baffles me... Jesus I'm getting upset again thinking about how stupid the OL was managed all season. It made no damn sense whatsoever and reminds me of how little hope I have going into next season.
  5. Yep. From all accounts dude seems like a Grade A person that everyone he knows loves. I'm just not a fan of his game.
  6. Agreed. Dude is an elite scrambler and he has a cannon arm. Those two traits provide awesome highlight reel plays often, but damn near everything else in his game gives me pause.
  7. Do not Like Willis personally. Can't read field well, misses opportunities to throw at guys open downfield in favor of scrambling/adlibbing, Poor ball placement, and shrank against better competition in college. His game reminds me of Johnny Manziel - Backyard football that doesn't play well in rhythm as a QB in a pro offense. From what I hear his personality is the exact opposite of Manziel though, so lord knows he might be able to work through his deficiencies.
  8. Hey, I asked one of those questions. Dude ole'd me. It's like reading Russian Bot propaganda.
  9. "Building the team the right way" Then why does Rhule still have roster control?
  10. I have nothing against the guy, but Jesus, Howell has a face that screams "I can't read".
  11. I feel like you have a better shot at trading back and taking Strong than you do Corral. I honestly would be fine with either one. I think Strong is more "pro ready" in that the offense he played in would translate to the NFL faster. Corral runs an RPO heavy scheme, but he is still able to make reads and has a super quick release and strong arm. After all is said and done, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the two best of the bunch.
  12. I feel like Strong and Corral will be the best QBs from this draft when it's all said and done. If we go QB at 6, I want Corral. If we trade back, I want an OL and then Strong.
  13. It's everything involved in playing the position. WRs can get dinged for half assing a blocking assignment. TEs get judged on both blocking and receiving.
  14. Dude got outplayed by a rookie and we made him the 16th highest paid TE in the league.
  15. We only paid Dan Arnold 6 million over two years last season and he has more receiving TDs and yards than Thomas. This is terrible.
  16. Seemed like a rash and emotional decision when he was released immediately. The more things continue moving forward with Rhule the further I question every move he's made.
  17. No because that would mean that Rhule thinks Willis is the best QB in the draft, therefore in this hypothetical scenario, he would become the worst QB in the draft based on Rhule's previous failed attempts at evaluating the position.
  18. Everyone pounding the drum for our defense realizes there's a chance we can lose up to 6 starters to FA right? Jackson, Gilmore, Reddick, Burris, Jones, Carter Jr. Some are more replaceable than others, but that's potentially losing HALF of all your defensive starters from the previous year where the defense was "Much Improved". Couple that with the Trash O-Line and Trash QB, you know, the two most important areas of a team, and you have a recipe for the #1 overall pick in the 2023 draft. There is very little to be excited about next year. I'm at a point in my life where I have other commitments that take up time I used to have free on gamedays. Because of that, my time is more valuable now than it was when I was in College back in 2010. So why should I spend my time on Sundays, let alone money, on this dumpster fire?
  19. Sam Darnold Starter hasn't been added yet.
  20. I consider Mariota a Tier above Trubisky. Trubisky is in the "Low expectations very unlikely to work out but still better than what we have" Tier and Mariota is in the "Good enough to be just good enough but not good enough to carry a team and win in the playoffs" Tier or "QB Purgatory" as it is known.
  21. One played in the Void of success that is Detroit for 12 years. Kirk Cousins is a true stat pader. Matt Stafford is a baller. Would Cousins instantly improve our QB situation? Of course he would. Would he get us over the hump and into the post season? Most likely no. He's incredibly expensive and the cost to trade for him is most likely not worth what the end result would be. He does not elevate the team around him so he is not worth it. Stay away from Qirk Qousins.
  22. Stafford is a better QB than Cousins. Cousins gets the volume stats that look pretty on paper, but as far as playing the position, he is Teddy Bridgewater in his final form. People were clowning on Stafford for his pick in the endzone during the super bowl. Situationally though, it was the right call. They were out of FG range, it was 3rd and long, and he had a guy in the end zone. It became an arm punt and the Bengals got a touchback. The risk reward was worth it to attempt the shot. Good QBs have that situational awareness to know when to take those risks. Cousins does NOT have that situational awareness. If it's 4th and 10 and the team is down a score late in the fourth, Cousins will hit his open safety outlet to gain 7 yards when he instead has a one on one matchup 20 yards down the sidelines. Is it technically the "right" throw because it's safe and he's open? Yes. It pads the stats and makes him look efficient. But is it really the right throw if it doesn't actually result in the team getting closer to win? There's a reason that Stafford has the most Comeback wins in the NFL since he became a starter. Dude has ice in his veins and he is willing to take the risk it for the biscuit throws because he's not a wuss.
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