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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. Build A round him with what? All those draft picks we'll have? No picks until round 4 this year, then round 3 the next two years All the Money for Free Agents we'll have? We will be tied to his and CMC's contracts, we'll need to pay Burns and Moore soon to. Our line already sucks, not like we'll have the money to pay for that. All the remaining talent on the roster we'll have? If we trade those players away, we'll be without 2 starters that we'll need to replace right off the bat. Then we'll lose some to free agency soon thereafter. A trade with that price tag makes no goddamn sense for a team who hasn't been to the playoffs in 4 years.
  2. Dude if we make this trade, we'll have even fewer picks, still no offensive line, and even less cap space. We'll just have a QB with no talent surrounding him and no means to surround him with talent.
  3. @rippadonn it's our boy. For those who don't know, Matt Waldman has some GREAT content on youtube for upcoming draft prospects each year. This video is on Carson Strong, he has another on Matt Corral that is also good. Interesting tidbits about Strong from the video: He is trending to be healthy for next season His arm is going to get stronger the more his leg heals He was told not to play this past season due to fear of injuring his leg further. He refused because he didn't want to let his team down. He had complete control at the line of scrimmage to make checks and call whatever he wanted based on what the defense gave him. Utilizes hard counts to figure out what the defense is giving him. Him and Corral are my two dudes that I would want out of this year's class.
  4. There are other teams besides those two who need OL help. All are more attractive destinations than us on Paper. Even if we do attract a guy to come play for us, do you really anticipate he'll be any good? This is the coaching staff that brought in Elflein and Erving day one of FA last offseason (because versatile!) then passed on Slater because he has short arms, then didn't play Christensen at LT until the last two games of the season due to, again, short arms, and then he played the best of any LT on the roster all season... I don't have faith they even know what a decent OL looks like.
  5. Again, why would they come here then? Both Miami and Cincy have more money, they can outbid us. Cincy just went to the super bowl in spite of their terrible line and Miami has the benefit of being a really nice place near the beach as well as no state income tax so that's even MORE money they get to keep. "We have opportunity to start!" Yeah, that's about all we have to offer. We don't have the money, the location, or the prestige to offer that many other franchises do at the moment. I anticipate us scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of quality linemen in FA this offseason, unless we overpay, which will do nothing but hurt us long term.
  6. Feel the same way about him as I do about Watson.
  7. This is where I am at in terms of the deal necessary to make this trade happen. At a certain point, it becomes less enticing of a destination for Watson based on the assets given up to acquire him. We're already strapped for talent and draft capital as is. Strip the next three drafts of 1st and 2nd round picks as well as take away two starting caliber players from our roster. We will solve the QB position but then we're out assets to recoup everything given up to get the QB. We would become the Fcuking Detroit Lions of the past decade with Stafford as their QB - Stud QB, terrible coaching, and no talent to surround said Stud QB. Watson would come into this team looking for talent and help like: It's a net loss for us to get Watson based on the price tag alone not even taking into account the sexual assault allegations on top of it all.
  8. I'm honestly not sure. I have Corral and Strong as my two favorites with Pickett then Ridder behind. I'd be thrilled if we took Corral honestly.
  9. apparently it is capped at a 5th due to him being a 10 year vet. Either or, solid chance we recoup it.
  10. Welp. We know who the worst QB in the draft is bois.
  11. I lean towards No and No myself, but the second "No" is really complicated. I think in a vacuum, I'll be honest, I could potentially see myself doing enough mental gymnastics that would allow me to still pull for the franchise if no criminal charges are filed against Watson. But it's not just that, it's all the dipshittery leading up to the decision to make the deal in the first place that makes it feel like pulling for this team is a lost cause. Hiring Rhule, Extending CMC while he still had years left on his rookie deal, Releasing Cam, Drafting all Defense in 2020, Signing Teddy to a dumb contract, trading Teddy, Trading for Darnold, signing turnstiles to play on the line due to "versatility", Drafting a Corner in the 1st round in the 2021 draft, trading a 2022 3rd for Henderson, Signing Cam back Mid Season to try and fix the Darnold Boner, Rotating QBs in the middle of games, not playing the linemen they actually took in the draft and then playing them out of position when they do, "Short Arm"-gate 1 and 2, going 2-12 the final 14 weeks of the season, and finally - retaining Rhule for a lame duck season in 2023. The above isn't even a full list of all of the dumbassery this franchise has engaged in over the past 3 or so years. Trading For Watson would be the poo icing on the poo Cake that has been Carolina Panthers football since Tepper took over. Mortgaging the future for a guy with that kind of baggage with the limited cap space and talent currently on the roster SCREAMS short sighted and profoundly stupid, especially taking into account the track record of the current regime.
  12. This is the biggest load of logical fallacies I've seen in a while. I don't get to choose who delivers my mail, checks me out at the grocery store, or works at a hotel those places of employment do. I DO get to choose what team I root for, and I DO care about the players that represent that team. Like it or not, those individuals are looked up to in the community and have an impact on the surrounding area. Tell some of the under privileged kids in the charlotte area that Cam Newton or Thomas Davis didn't have an impact on their lives. Tell me how kids at Levine's Children's hospital weren't impacted by Greg Olsen and his actions. And BTW, if I found out that the cashier at the local Publix is a registered sex offender, I would avoid that fuging Publix and go to Harris Teeter.
  13. See the Polls. For those of you who do want Watson; Would a trade similar to what the Broncos sent to Seattle for Wilson (Two 1sts, Two 2nds, a 5th and 3 players) be worth it on our end? Please vote and discuss.
  14. God I hope we don't trade for him. Our team is complete poo even outside the QB position, and we'd probably have to trade away the few good players we actually have in order to get Watson, as well as future draft picks. Wouldn't be surprised to see the price tag being something like 3 1sts, 3 seconds (future), and any combination of CMC, Anderson, Chinn, Moore, Shaq, or Brown. So we give up all of that with limited draft capital, limited cap space, and limited talent to surround the new franchise QB fresh off of 20+ Sexual assault allegations? fug that. I'm out.
  15. Fingers crossed we get someone to jump up and recoup a ton of picks
  16. Damn. This past year was his tenth year too. Welp, either way, we have a chance to get a better round pick as long as we don't do anything stupid... I know that's asking a lot for this team right now. Still worth the trade IMO.
  17. Is there a rule they implemented that caps the round you can get based on if you traded for a guy mid season? I know they base comps off of playing time, the contract signed, and anyone signed to the team at a comparable rate in FA. Wasn't sure there was anything else that determines it.
  18. For real, as long as we don't go do something stupid, we can potentially land a 4th round comp pick for next years draft (based on the contract Gilmore Lands), essentially trading our 6th round pick for a 4th rounder in the same draft. Edit** I stand corrected, it's a 5th at best. Still not bad.
  19. It was for a 6th round pick two years into the future. I don't agree with MANY of the moves that have been made over the past few years, but I make that trade every day of the week for an All-Pro CB coming off injury. The price tag for the player was laughably low.
  20. We agree on Strong but disagree on Trask. I look at Trask as a JAG.
  21. I want Rhule gone more than most on this board. This is a nothing burger. There is nothing to actively scout when it comes to running the 40.
  22. Cam dragged a WR core of Philly Brown, Rookie Devin Funchess, Ted Ginn and Jericho Cotchery (who caught it) to the super bowl with Mike Remmers as his starting RT. His MVP year was 2015. By the start of next season, that will be 7 years(!) since he was a top QB in the league. Rivera ran him into the ground and he is a shell of the QB he once was. He is past his peak. It sucks, but it's true. He has not come close to playing at that same level consistently ever since. There are games of good play sprinkled in here and there, but the vast majority of his play these days has been sub-par. Yes he came in late last season and tried to learn the offense on the fly. He was still missing receivers and making bad throws even when he did have time, which I will admit wasn't often. People have a death grip on the good old days trying to choke them back into existence. It's not going to happen. Even if Cam does play better than he has for the past 5 years, we still have Matt Rhule as our HC. Any good that the resurrection of prime Cam would provide would be immediately neutered by Rhule's incompetence. If Cam has a chance to be better (That's a big IF for me), then I don't want him to do it here with us. He doesn't deserve that. Let him go somewhere with competent coaching and a chance to get a ring. He still has value as a former MVP with experience that could help a younger QB succeed and potentially provide relief in the event of injury. Have him go to Buffalo, Seattle, Green Bay, KC, Philly, SF, or LA and back up the starter.
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