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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. I'm a fan of Corral and would be thrilled if we got him. I think he has a higher upside than Pickett and a lower bust chance than Willis. Then again, if we want to take a QB we should just listen to McAdoo. For all his faults, the guy has a great track record as far as QB evals go.
  2. Minshew or Rookie. Minshew would allow us to take a rookie next year. A trade down would allow us to address the line as well as a QB, and if said QB sucks, again, we could take another next year. Givem the ol' Clausen.
  3. Interested to see who shows up for Corral and Strong's pro days.
  4. Not a Willis Fan myself. That one throw was stupid sick nasty though. 65 yards in the air on the spot. Dude has a canon.
  5. We're giving Sam 19 million for one year all guaranteed. Winston is a steal by comparison.
  6. Oh straight up I was one of those dudes you're talking about. I admit I was wrong. So much bad over the past few seasons under Rhule lead me to anticipate the worst going into next season. I am very pleasantly surprised. Optimistic even and I didn't think that was possible again under a Rhule Regime. I think the fact that we didn't get Watson gave me more hope for the future ironically enough, especially considering all of the decent FA signings we have made thus far.
  7. Overall, Pickett isn't a bad QB prospect. My biggest concerns with him are hand size, the fact he sucked until this year, and his age. I think he can be a good QB in the NFL. But I don't think his ceiling is as high as others in this draft. With each passing day I am more and more confident that he will be our pick at 6.
  8. Based on the dumbassery that was last offseason I was worried that Rhule was still wielding the power like the previous two offseasons. This offseason seems way different.
  9. To be fair, Darnold isn't even middling. He's the worst starting QB in the NFL. Minshew has shown far and away more competency as a QB than Darnold ever has. Minshew would be an upgrade and he would be relatively cheap in terms of compensation. Because of said cheap compensation, it would not deter us from addressing the position in the draft either this or next year if he shits the bed.
  10. Fitt had Foreman in a dynasty league and saw an opportunity to upgrade his value by making him CMC's handcuff. This is exactly what happened to me. I was thrilled with that move for multiple reasons.
  11. I'll admit, I had absolutely 0 faith that we would be able to bring in quality starters in FA because I didn't think we'd be able to even identify them. The fact that we have gone and signed guys like Corbett, Bozeman, and Foreman as mulligans for guys we brought in last year like Erving, Elflein, and Hubbard makes me think Rhule may not be in charge of the roster anymore. If we can get someone even halfway competent to come in and be a starter for us then we may have a shot at the playoffs as long as Rhule doesn't trip over his own feet like he has the past two seasons.
  12. I'ma be honest, I have had little faith in what we would do this offseason. In the past 24 hours I have been completely blown away. These are competent moves
  13. We are officially a poverty franchise. Thank you David Tepper and Matt Rhule. This is fuging hilarious.
  14. I'm all for trading down to recoup a second, drafting the best available OL with the first and then taking one of the remaining QBs available between Ridder, Corral, Howell or Strong. If they suck, oh well, we Jimmy Clausen them and take our next franchise guy next draft. If they're good, we got a good OL and a good QB in rounds one and two. Shits cash.
  15. Adams and Carr are super tight, I'm not surprised at all.
  16. Bradberry has been great up in NY, one of their few bright spots on Defense. I know the fans aren't happy that he is probably a casualty of their cap situation. If the price is right I'd bring him back.
  17. Holy crap that tweet of the video of Mayfield dropping an F bomb is hilarious.
  18. I think Matt Ryan is severely underrated by people on this board. He would be an upgrade over Wentz for them next season. They have a roster put together, they just need a QB who won't screw things up. It'd be the Philip Rivers experiment 2.0 for them.
  19. I didn't and still don't really want Watson, but regardless of what happens with this whole fiasco, these threads have been pretty damn fun. It's been nice seeing optimism in this place for the first time in about 6 months.
  20. Ryan to Indy makes a lot of sense. This year's second or less, they have a TON of cap space.
  21. Personally, not high on him. He misses reads in favor of scrambling at unnecessary times, Accuracy is subpar, and he is not as fast or shifty as Lamar Jackson so I don't think he'll get away with what he does at the next level. In my opinion he looks like Johnny Manziel. Apparently complete polar opposite of a human though. So if you liked Manziel's potential you'll love Willis'. He has a better possibility of success based on his attitude alone.
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