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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. No idea who locked it. Don't care. I Re-read everything @thunderraidensaid in his OP and he was like 90-95% correct. It was Nostradamus levels of clairvoyance. It was great. I personally wouldn't have locked it because I personally thought he deserved his victory lap, especially when I totally disagreed with him a few months ago. But not every mod thinks like me. And that's a good thing, because then poo really wouldn't get moderated that well around here. As the Mod that does probably the least of of the entire mod team (who is actually on here regularly), this is the smallest of potatoes in terms of the daily crap that we see, and some days we see literal crap. Is the mod team perfect? No. Does locking a thread like that happen all the time? No. Can we be better as a Mod Team? Of course. Could things be way worse? Most definitely yes. I'm sorry that locking the thread upset you, but it also really wasn't that big of a deal and I would not single out this one instance of locking a thread in a questionable manner as evidence of the entire system being corrupt. We are human. It's reasonable to be a little irked, but I wouldn't go burning the place down over it. There are a few rules that we draw a hard line on, but a lot of the other stuff is a gray area, and that gray is different shades to different mods on different days at different times. TL;DR:
  2. And we're still stuck with Matt fuging Rhule
  3. Dude that's a stop watch. I want the guy gone just as much as anyone, but come on guys, there's nothing in that clip that suggests he's drunk or drinking. You're reaching for excuses when the only one we need is the product he puts on the field.
  4. I joke, but the dude is quick as all hell. If he were like 10 lbs heavier those QB hits would be sacks.
  5. Coincidentally that's how many times he bounced off the QB the past two years trying to register a sack.
  6. Does this take into account the rollover we would get if we don't spend anymore of the 30 mil that we have available? If not, then we would be sitting at 27 million.
  7. I have already accepted the fact that Kenny Pickett will be our QB for the next few years at the least so I'm not even worried about it.
  8. I'm pretty sure nothing of any importance was said and anything that could even be remotely construed into a negative light will be because Rhule is viewed in such a negative light at the moment.
  9. Tom Brady has one of the most mechanically sound throwing motions of all time. No wasted time/energy in anything he does. It's perfect. Howell, not so much.
  10. I disagree. It's just bad. Watch Pickett, Willis, or Corral throw. As soon as they make the decision, the ball comes out. With Howell, he makes the decision, has to tap the ball, then has a long over the top delivery. He will get read by good CBs in the NFL early and often.
  11. Can't get over his telegraphed and slow delivery. That will be an issue in the pros.
  12. There have been better, there have been worse. I am whelmed.
  13. Don't be surprised if our defense takes a step back next season. Losing some starters and the pass rush threat of Reddick is going to be a bigger issue than some realize.
  14. Sorry guys, I just dropped my mixtape
  15. Josh Allen is a unicorn created in a lab with the aid of legitimately good coaches who brought him along at the perfect pace. We are not that environment so we should not draft Willis if you want to see that kid succeed.
  16. Top two QBs on that list made it to the playoffs in 2021. Checkmate haters
  17. The Pro Day starts at 3pm EST btw everyone.
  18. Clowney isn't overrated, he just didn't live up to his draft position. He's still not bad, he's just not an All-pro. Pro-Bowl caliber player who is a great run defender, average pass rusher.
  19. His name is Strong and he plays QB. The memes write themselves
  20. Excuse me but your top 3 list is missing the #1 QB Carson Strong. JKJK Appreciate everything you contribute Verge, even if we disagree on Willis.
  21. Wanted the Giants to trade up for Mahomes hard. Thought he was the best in the class (he was right). He told the USA today his rankings for the 2018 draft: 1. Allen 2. Jackson 3. Darnold 4. Rosen 5. Rudolph 6. Mayfield
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