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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. Bruh, you could pay me a fraction of what he's payed both Reich and Rhule to be the coach. $$$$ There are only 32 of these positions available in the world and you make a ton of money doing it. That's why someone will take.
  2. This isn't me targeting you specifically, but I do want to know the reasoning that many people share - Why does anyone want Morgan to take over? He has been a part of the brain trust that put together this god awful team. If he weren't previously a player for us would you still have the same feelings toward him? No one in that FO should be safe based on the product they have produced this season.
  3. The problem with that logic is that Frank isn't a first year Head Coach. This is his 6th year as a HC, first with us. His track record shows exactly what he is, a guy the game has passed by. If you're going to fire him next year, just fire him this year. Seriously though, it's not like his replacement will do any worse.
  4. A first time HC coming in trying to rebuild everything that was torn down by the previous regimes would get a lot more slack than Frank Reich and his all star staff who were brought in expecting immediate results.
  5. On the flip side, what have frank and scott done that warrants they actually keep their jobs? Scott's drafts have been atrocious, he's traded away our best players and done absolutely nothing to replace them, and the FA's he's signed have all sucked. Reich came in and tried to force his square peg offense into our round hole personnel and now we are the worst team in the league because Fitt, Reich, and Tepper are all incompetent.
  6. For my fellow nerds out there - get Baldurs Gate 3. Not only is it a great time sink for Sundays, the game is fun as hell and has a ton of depth to it. Highly recommend it.
  7. Rhule failing doesn't even bring me joy these days. I am void of football happiness thanks to the likes of David Tepper and Scott Fitterrer
  8. I doubt the league itself will see many of them on a roster by then.
  9. He apparently had a significant back injury that has cost him not just a step, but 3. He's looked a shell of himself this season.
  10. Bruh, I went out on the high seas to watch the final part of season 3 that isn't on D+ yet. The very last episode, 'Cricket' is arguably the best episode of the entire series so far. They're all bangers in their own right. I like the damn show more than either of my kids, who seem to only like it because I love it.
  11. Nothing Fair weather about it. They're still my favorite team. I want them to win. There's just no point in watching if we know what the outcome is going to be before the game even starts. The team as we once knew it has been completely dismantled, the best players we have ever had are no longer on the team, they have either retired, been released, or been traded away. It's looking like we will have the worst record in the NFL and we won't even get the #1 overall pick to show for it next season. That's embarrassing. The season is lost for the 6th straight year. I'd rather spend my Sundays doing something that brings me actual joy.
  12. You could have just saved some time and told us you were having a family reunion. Roll Tide
  13. I have no interest in the sport but have seen a ton of videos recently of security guys in vegas going overboard trying to prevent bystanders from walking over one of the tracks and watching it as they pass by. It's comical and ridiculous all at the same time.
  14. They lucked ass backwards into Brock Purdy, that was the real saving grace. Plus the team surrounding whatever QB they played was actually really good. The team surrounding Bryce is dogshit.
  15. I'm sorry, what shitshow were you watching today? This is a topic about fun things that bring you joy, not sad things that make you mad. Those sad things don't exist in this thread.
  16. Trey Lance is up there too, similar draft haul for him and I think Bryce has already played more than he ever has.
  17. Today I took my kids to the park at 12:30 while my wife rested. The kids found a creek and played around it, throwing sticks and rocks into it and then played in the dirt with each other. Then we got home and they were filthy so they got baths. It was great. Thinking I might do something similar next Sunday around the same time. What are your guys' plans?
  18. The only Panther fans remaining at the final whistle will be the masochists and those so drunk and pissed off that they're screaming at Tepper to fire everyone and sell the team.
  19. So I found this Reddit Thread from 8 years ago complaining about Reich trying to force his square peg Zone blocking scheme onto a round hole power offensive line: It's just inexcusable at this point.
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