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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. I really don't see what the big deal is with you people here. We are using a stop gap with low risk high reward capabilities to fill a hole in our O-Line... He LITERALLY can't be worse than Bell people. He's an upgrade if nothing else. How much of an upgrade is yet to be seen, but I don't expect him to be our franchise LT going forward.
  2. That was Smitty's cap hit going forward if I'm not mistaken. I wouldn't have paid it either.
  3. Special teams abilities that our team severely lacks. That's probably all. We aren't signing him to be our #2. He'll be here to play ST. People see his position as WR and automatically assume it's in the cards for him to compete with cotch for the #2. WR's can play special teams too guys...
  4. So I skipped ahead from the first page of this thread thinking there might be updates on, you know, Derrick Morgan or something... Nope, Greg Hardy argument again.
  5. Your brain was at the funeral with Mike Tolbert and Brian Williams.
  6. I feel the same way. It's a funeral. It's not a classroom where attendance is taken. I guess with more success comes more TMZ related BS stories though...
  7. I gave you pie because this was clever and I laughed... But it's 'must have', not 'must of'... slight pet peeve of mine and I apologize for being a grammar nazi.
  8. Good. The year before we got Cam we were the worst team in the league. I would HOPE we got rid of most of those bums.
  9. I don't care. It's stupid TMZ he said she said drama that I don't care about. If anything I'm more annoyed that people are talking about this dumbass non-story than something substantial. "Williams is salty about some stuff after being released" Well no poo. Why is this even relevant?
  10. first 3 years are on par with what LaFell was able to do for us, so he looks like he'd be a solid #2... like Lafell was for us.
  11. Why me? I'm Zoolander level good looking I'm here every day... for serial, every day. I am a level headed guy I admit when I'm wrong I wipe sitting down, not a neanderthal that stands and wipes. I will prevent the huddle from spiraling into the abyss that is a new Hardy thread every 5 minutes I am willing to buy all-pro, just haven't done it yet. I own many leather bound books My dog's name is Moose, named after one Muhsin Muhammad I've been with the site since Jake started sucking, so I've seen the best of the worst and still stuck around.
  12. The oxygen you used while pondering up this thread and conspiracy theory could have been put to better use. That is about the nicest way I can say it.
  13. I went ahead and liked it the other day. Best of luck broseph.
  14. Over: The Wilson/ Luck hype. They're both great young QBs, but comparable to Cam in every way, but he is a pariah by the media... Under: Lavonte David, Thomas Davis and Tony Romo. Always been a Romo supporter even though I hate the Cowboys. He's too good for that organization. He doesn't crumble any more or less than any other QB in the NFL, in fact he has great 4th Quarter numbers, but because he's a cowgirl, his poo get's blown out of proportion. Manning chokes more in big games.
  15. Sounds like Gettleman is high on the Rem-job on the right side... I like it.
  16. It's like asking us to kill one of our children OP, why?
  17. No, but he sounds perfect for a Shula Offense!
  18. I remember my first Beer Enema... Straight to the bloodstream! Allows you to make poor decisions immediately - like getting on the internet and posting things on message boards.
  19. This is the least I've cared about a super bowl ever. I don't even know if I'll watch it to tell you the truth. I have too much crap that needs to get done around the house.
  20. The bucs are no strangers to making stupid decisions. Hell, they guaranteed 15 Million to Anthony Collins
  21. Of all the receivers we signed this offseason, I had the lowest expectations for him and anticipated he would be cut if we were going to cut any of them. I can see us keeping Pilares in his place or keeping some of the younger guys like King, Bersin, or Brown.
  22. And I'm not saying I would immediately do it, I'm saying if you act in that manner, do not be surprised if someone else responds in a similar fashion
  23. You really shouldn't hit anybody ever. It's a show of disrespect toward another human being. Man woman or child. Having said that, if you throw the first punch, regardless of what gender you are, be prepared to have one thrown back at you.
  24. I would just like to point out that a lot of you who are reserving judgement over this are the same ones that jumped down Kapernick's ass over suspicion of sexual assault or whatever claiming him guilty from the get go. I'll be damned if you guys aren't loyal though.
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