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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. Anybody else have the feeling that Jerry Jones just misplaced a large briefcase filled with Money?
  2. If that were to happen and come with 0 off field drama that follows Marshall around then I would be soooooo happy...
  3. I'd be interested to see his 40 split. Some guys just take longer getting up to speed, but once they get there are a damn freight train.
  4. Moscato and Buffalo wing egg rolls.
  5. Page 1 To the good part that we care about on page 2: Nothing we didn't already know, but it's nice to see we aren't crazy in thinking the guy just needs a little bit of help. Interesting look for all the QBs Talk amongst yourselves.
  6. Don't want to wade through the 20+ pages, bu there's no way he gets the full 10 games and the NFL knows it. Strictly a PR move on their part to try and look like they are taking a stand against the DV. He'll get it reduced to 2 games because that's what the punishment should have been when this all started.
  7. Yeah but he had been practicing all preseason and was in complete football shape. Next year if he's out that long think more along the lines of Frank Alexander when he comes back.
  8. Jesus this thread took a turn for the worse. There's a difference between doing something because you're obligated and doing something in spite of fear and it's not hard to differentiate between the two. It's blatantly obvious Cam doesn't like talking to the media. I wouldn't either if they nitpicked everything I said and tried to spin it into a story for no reason. Either way it's a non issue that Cam didn't speak to any reporters so let's get back to our daily PU thread and Draft speculation.
  9. Agnostic Atheist - Someone who doesn't believe in a god nor do they really care one way or the other Agnostic Theist - Someone who believes there's a god but doesn't really care one way or the other Agnostic - Someone who has no idea if there's a god or not but doesn't really care one way or the other ^simplified and there are other ways to describe it but that's agnosticism in a nutshell. And people hate The Golden Calf of Bristol because when he's around, no other sports related news gets published. It becomes TSPN 24/7 or the Network that covers The Golden Calf of Bristol and some other NFL stuff. No one is that interesting. Hell, I'd get sick of Cam if they talked about him that much. The Golden Calf of Bristol as an analyst on the SEC network was actually really good and I enjoyed him in the booth. He's a charming and personable guy. But he just plain sucks as a QB so no one cares about him on the field, yet all the media does is slurp his dong.
  10. Well to be fair the raiders HAVE to spend money right now or else they get in trouble. No way he gets that cash anywhere else.
  11. This isn't saying they are better, it's just saying they are most improved over last year. The list is still poo regardless because there's no way in he'll the saints are in a better position after this off-season.
  12. You can fairly judge ron on his poor clock management and game plan strategies but saying he was too loyal to some vets when our young guys were injured and had no experience in the system is just ignorant. I'm not a great fan of Ron's right now, but I know when and what to criticism him for.
  13. So we can safely assume that Mariota will suck then?
  14. Gettleman won't. Richardson will. No way in the seven hells we draft DGB
  15. Very valid points all around. The zombies were definitely more threatening in teh first season but since then they have really been hammering home that Humans are the most dangerous threat to survival. Then again the thing that made them most dangerous, in my opinion, was the sheer volume of the number of dead concentrated in certain areas. In a giant mass they are the most dangerous, and now it seems they are all wandering around in small zombie squads that can't really do poo. Then again the budget got cut in half so it's probably harder to have a horde of zombies on screen at once now due to budget stuff. Season one is seriously some of the best TV I have ever seen though.
  16. Yes and no. If you think about how long the bodies have been out there, walking around and decaying, I'm sure they are easier to kill if they've been undead longer. Also, the surviving members of the group have all seen the most poo and are the most adept at survival, meaning they probably have the best and or most efficient ways to kill them down pat. Also the show finally turned a corner to something good again this year. No more drama for the sake of drama. They put the people in some hard situations (similar to the comics) and the decisions people made actually made sense. None of that crappy season 2 all talk and no action. For those who haven't read the comics, just wait till Negan arrives... poo will get fifty shades of Cray. Having said all that, how are the walkers completely silent until they appear on screen and then they are loud as hell? I never understood that...
  17. There was that scrub LB we drafted a few years back that he was high on. Wouldn't shut up about him. Luke Kuechly or something.
  18. You know how we have the ability to pay $5 to get extra content for a month on here? Well can I pay $5 to ban someone for a month? Because you'd seriously get about $50 out of me right now.
  19. Holy Jeebus, the fact that we actually RETAINED our own guys this off-season was a step up in class over last year. We had more money to work with so we were able to extend Olsen, bring back the DT rotation, bring back our #2 tight end, we were still able to bring in a guy to start at LT who is an upgrade over bell, and we have been able to address the return game, ST, and speed receiver... and we STILL have cash leftover for more FA's or rolling over to next year to extend Cam... At this point last year we released Captain, Mitchell, literally all our receivers who ever caught a pass from Cam, and then literally half our line retired... But because we didn't bring in a decently big name to sign this offseason, Gettleman "lied to us" about stepping up in class. He didn't lie, your expectations were just too high.
  20. Pretty mundane really... I dunno man, it's just one of those things I haven't ever done for no reason or other. I've eaten some weird ish before (cow tongue, Fools gold loaf, Gator, Deep fried everything, any weird concoction with Bacon involved) but I've never had standard pie.
  21. I have a confession to make... I don't think I have ever actually eaten a "real" pie before in my life and by that I mean a pie with crust covering the filling. I have had chocolate chess pie from the Angus barn, I have had pumpkin pie (which I hate), I have tried pecan pie (which I love), and I have had Chicken pot pie on more than one occasion, but I have never had Apple, cherry, or any other similar derivative of pie before in my life... Just realized this... Huh...
  22. I enjoy his shows Six Feet Under and Banshee.' True Blood was OK at the beginning then got really really stupid.
  23. Do not want in the first. Would be thrilled if taken in the second.
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