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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. Just opened an account with them. I'm transferring all my robinhood money over there in the morning.
  2. Ayyy good for Ron fug cancer. All my homies hate cancer. And Robinhood.
  3. your avatar fits my mood perfectly. What are you guys using to buy? I was using robinhood and they locked the stocks down today. Pissed me the hell off.
  4. How much value do two 32nd picks in the draft really hold though?
  5. You want an invite? Also this morning is bullshit. I had my orders to buy AMC and GME canceled. Heads should roll for this.
  6. If I recall correctly, Herbert was turning heads last year as well...
  7. Trade a 2nd and a mid rounder for Stafford. Take Pitts at 8. < -- This is the trade that would produce the most immediate success for us If we can't do the above, trade up to #2/3 and take the QB the team values the most. This will most likely take multiple 1st round picks. This trade has the potential to provide the most long term success for us.
  8. If we trade for Stafford, then we should take Pitts with the #8 pick. I really was surprised at the way the board over valued Thomas this offseason. I got crap for calling him a JAG because he was a 4th round pick who really hadn't shown much. It wasn't because I hated him as a prospect, he just hadn't done anything to warrant the hype the fanbase generated for him.
  9. Dude is also a freak athlete. A lot of people don't realize that. He actually ran snaps at WR in the NFL at one point and there's a highlight real of him going HAM in an intramural basketball league.
  10. Wilson is my pipe dream but I feel like he's going to be the #2 QB off the board and the only way we can guarantee that we get him is if we trade up to 2 or 3.
  11. Well, we weren't for about 2 years there, but in between those two years we brought Hurney back and we aren't rolling much cap over again (to no surprise).
  12. Bengals are getting new Unis... Where are ours damnit?!?!
  13. Look at those construction cranes in the background. Symbolic, no?
  14. I mean he did that here and it didn't work at all either, before and after Tepper. No winning seasons as a GM since Fox was our Head coach.
  15. Welp, he's the assistant OL coach so he can only do so much damage. His father was also, by all accounts, a fantastic OL coach, just mediocre head coach.
  16. I was mistaken and misread a tweet, carry on.
  17. it was reported that towards the end of their time together Rodgers would straight up ignore the plays McCarthy was calling because he knew they were garbage and would call his own.
  18. Prime Rodgers for the following reasons: Brady had Belichick as his coach up until this season. Belichick is one of, if not the, greatest coaches in NFL history. I won't argue who was more important to the success of the team, but the fact that they both had each other was beneficial for everyone involved. Rodgers had Mike McCarthy up until last year. Two coaches in different stratospheres. Rodgers is the most efficient QB in NFL History. He has 412 TDs to 89 interceptions (4.6 ratio). That's INSANE. For perspective, Tom brady is the second best at efficiency at 589 TDs to 191 INTs (3.04). If Aaron Rodgers threw an interception on his next 46 consecutive passes, he would still have a better career ratio than Brady. Rodgers is more mobile Rodgers has a stronger arm Rodgers doesn't have to deal with family drama because he doesn't talk to his. Less off field distractions. Brady has a weird health cult going on Brady is the GOAT but Rodgers is the BOAT. Brady has had more overall success because he has had the benefit of playing with one of the best coaches of all time. Rodgers has had more individual success because he has dragged his teams, coaches, and organization to wins against their will at times. Rodgers said it himself "Down years for me are career years for most quarterbacks", and he's not wrong.
  19. You are incorrect. They grade each player and each play on an individual basis regardless if they were the target or not. So if DJ made a good release, had great separation, and got open 30 yards downfield, he would have received a positive grade on the play. On that same play, Teddy would have received a negative grade for not throwing it to DJ (If he had the time to make it to that progression). The fact that he wasn't targeted does not hurt on the above example. HOWEVER, if he were targeted, his grade could go up depending on if he caught it, he made a great catch from a bad throw, he got great YAC, or scored a TD. His grade on the play would most likely stay the same if he just caught it and didn't do anything. His grade on the play would go down if he dropped it, caught it and ran backwards, or he fumbled. So, I will say that Teddy not targeting DJ most likely negatively impacted his overall grade, but not necessarily in the way that people think. Teddy didn't make DJ look worse, Teddy just didn't let DJ look as good as he could have. And I think we can all agree on that.
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