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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. So if the Falcons go all in on Matty Rice, and either Fields or Lance is available at 5, Do the Panthers trade up to 5 to guarantee they get one of them?
  2. Been saying it for months now. Kid has a special arm.
  3. Anyone? I can see us taking LT at 8 and then moving back into the late first to take him. Better or worse than Jones? Do we want this? Am I trying to convince myself things will work out? hold me.
  4. I blame Ron more than anyone. Idiot trotted Haskins out there against us.
  5. Trade up for a QB. Don't care if it's Fields, Wilson, or Lance, just get one. Rather we be aggressive on a legitimate QB prospect than twiddle our thumbs. With no Franchise QB, your team has no identity. You aren't worth crap and no one cares about your franchise. We need a new face now that Cam is gone. Make it happen.
  6. Whoa now, we might have our team's Jimmy GQ
  7. I agree, I just have no idea how to remove it.
  8. Graham also suffered a significant knee injury that derailed his career.
  9. You know ads are targeted based on your internet history, don't you?
  10. I just said Holy poo out loud. Kid can hop.
  11. For real though, you're all trashing that deep ball and saying the guys had to slow down, but that is still a marked improvement over what we saw last year where our guys had to literally stop running to catch the "Long" ball.
  12. The Hefty Lefty Pillsbury Throw Boy
  13. That is a legit concern and he did do that quite a bit in the film I have seen. His OL was head and shoulders above most of his competition all season. For me personally, I will be completely content if we trade multiple 1's to move up to #2 or #3 to draft any one of Wilson, Fields, or Lance. Honestly, I don't care, I like all of them for different reasons and would be thrilled to land any of them. Wilson just so happens to be my favorite of the 3, but I will be absolutely GIDDY if we trade up to take anyone of them.
  14. You can't look at competition as a means to how great a QB is going to be in the NFL. Certain skills translate well to the NFL. Skills like throwing with anticipation, ball placement, footwork, safety manipulation, mechanics, etc. Go back and watch Wilson's tape. Damn near every single throw last year was a throw that would be a completion against NFL caliber competition based on ball placement alone. He was slinging the ball on the money on out routes from opposite hash before Receivers break from their routes. His timing and anticipation is fantastic, and THAT is a skill that translates to the NFL regardless of college level competition. He was throwing back shoulder go routes on the run, on the money, all year long. Kid has a special arm. I will say though, I understand Scot's hesitancy with his potential injury issues mainly based around the way he plays. He plays like he thinks he's 6'5, 250. That won't fly in the NFL. He needs to learn how to protect himself or he'll end up like RG3.
  15. Rating arm strength on a 1-10 scale with 5 being average, Mac Jones is like a 6.2. Slightly above average but nothing to write home about.
  16. See, I saw his entire season and said "that's why he's worth it." Hell, Trask had a game where he played lights out and looked like a stud, he is nowhere near worthy a top 10 pick. What I'm saying is you can't base a player's value off of one game. Wilson showed week over week that he was one of the best QB's in the class and has the skillset that transfers well to the NFL. So basically pick any game last year and look at Wilson. That's the game that shows he has the traits to make it, and why I personally believe he is worthy multiple picks to trade up and take.
  17. It's not any one game, Wilson showed throughout the year that he was a top 10 worthy pick based on how he throws guys open, throws with anticipation, and throws incredibly accurately while improvising. Coastal was not on him. At all. Watch the film again, he was dropping dimes that were getting dropped left and right.
  18. I am not reading it that way from his comments. It's more of a "It is what it is" kind of vibe. Like as of now, Darnold is the starter but whatever they do he'll be ready to catch passes from the QB, whoever that may be. I say this as one of the people pounding the drum to trade up for Wilson.
  19. So at the very least, I'm assuming that Buzbee has documented evidence that Watson reached out and contacted each of these women for a massage either through email/text/instagram. Watson, being an NFL player, has access to some of the best medical staff/resources in the country. With this in mind, he still reached out to 20+ masseuses/massage therapists (all women) over the past year or so. Under normal circumstances, you find someone who does a good job at the service you're looking for, and you stick with that person (Think barber, lawncare, house cleaner, etc.). At the very best, dude has a massage fetish because there is no good reason he should be looking for outside help in terms of massage therapy, let alone 20+ different women to do the job for him. At the very worst, dude HAD to go through 20+ massage therapists because none would service him more than once due to his rapey vibes trying to prey on unsuspecting victims.
  20. I'd take Pitts at 8 and Mond at 39. Can't guarantee we'd get Mond though.
  21. You know Tepper is chomping at the bit to start his own "Football team the Musical" franchise on Amazon Prime.
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