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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. Just an observation, this is a game and it's supposed to be fun. I can understand disagreeing with damn near everything we've done the past decade, but getting angry and having such vitriol towards something you have no control over is just not healthy. I've been there as a fan before, and once I realized that I hated what I was supposed to like and enjoy, it made me take a step back and reassess some stuff. Now when we suck I don't get super pissed or angry, I'm just disappointed and move on. I'm still a huge fan of the team (obviously, I'm on this damn board daily), but I just don't want to spend the energy hating them. I'm not praising everything they do, but the neutral "We'll see" approach to what happens prevents the large negative reactions and lends yourself to be more pleasantly surprised than negatively disappointed. Just some food for thought. Dissenting opinions are fine, it's why we have the board at all, to discuss things, but the immediate negative reaction to any and everything that happens before anything shakes out makes it seem like you are choosing to be upset about the choices being made rather than just letting things flesh out.
  2. Just checking in man. Mental health is important. If one of my friends consistently spoke the way you do on this board, I would be concerned for their mental well-being.
  3. You seem to have the same loser mentality that you complain the franchise has. They think he will be a stud so they want to be able to have him under contract for cheaper and longer. You don't think anyone we draft will be good so we should trade back and get more picks increasing the chances we land someone. Why are you so miserable about everything? Is your personal life as negative as your panther fandom? You okay dude? I haven't seen you post one non-negative, smarmy or sarcastic thing in like a year. Not even base neutral comments, it's all so negative.
  4. I can understand not wanting Legette, but I really don't understand people shitting on the move to get back into the 1st to draft him. Replace Legette with whatever WR you preferred, the move makes sense with the enormous contracts WRs are getting these days. The extra year of discounted play and contract control is worth it for a WR, not a center though. So I really don't care that they could have had him today, we didn't surrender any future picks, we didn't lose any picks, we swapped our 2nd for their 1st and our 5th for their 6th. We moved up in a more important round, and down in a less important round. 32nd pick is getting a roughly 12 million dollar contract and control for 5 years. 33rd pick gets roughly 10 million and control for 4 years. Monetarily, it makes sense and the logic of doing it is sound.
  5. It will be different. Whether it's better or worse is yet to be seen. Having said that, it sure as hell will be harder to be worse than last year.
  6. Hope the local kid works out, really rooting for him.
  7. It comes down to if he can get stronger through his routes. If he beats a guy off the line he's gone, but so are most receivers, but if a DB gets hands on him, and DBs are better in the pros, he can't get free. If he can get better at that, then he could be pretty damn good.
  8. Worthy is a solid route runner and doesn't play as fast as his 40 time (not that he plays slow, just not THAT fast). His slight frame means when DBs get hands on him he is re-routed quite often, and he is not good against press man like some of the other leaner fast guys the past few drafts (Tank Dell, Flowers, Davonte Smith, Josh Downs). He doesn't play bigger than his frame, he plays as big as he is.
  9. I have no idea how good Williams will be because I haven't bothered looking at any QB prospects this year because we have no first round pick and we have Bryce. All I know about Williams is that he's like the poster child Gen Z kid and boomers hate him for it. So I hope he succeeds, just not as much as Bryce and never against us.
  10. It's easier to get guys open if you send them in motion. Not sure what Canales' tendencies are there, but we were damn near dead last last season when Reich was the play caller and the lack of separation showed. If we do take someone not named McConkey I would expect motion to help assist in getting the players open more consistently. At least that's what a competent coach would do. Jury's still out on the new guy.
  11. Check out this fan mockup of what an update to those jerseys would look like: What could have been.
  12. Don't hate the red alternates. The H looks like a baseball logo. The slight upgrade to the main uni is fine. Not too drastic but an update to a dated look.
  13. From the numerous draft profiles I have read since the DUI, said DUI was not surprising to scouts in the least.
  14. If he can stay healthy. His style of play at his size does not lead to being healthy often.
  15. Can't believe no one has mentioned how Canales has given us our very own version of Shocked Pikachu for future meme potential:
  16. Doesn't help that some people scare potential insiders away by being unnecessarily dickish and combative for no reason. I always looked at it as take what is said with a grain of salt, but some people get aggro if things aren't 100% right all the time.
  17. I actually really like this and have Brooks on my want list. I'd sub one of the 5th and beyond picks for WR Jalen Coker but other than that I'm good with it.
  18. I fixed the title to reflect what was actually said, as well as embedded the tweet properly. And for all of you "I knew it!" people who obviously didn't read what was in the actual link nor the thread:
  19. Good slot guy, but I want a guy who has the outside potential/versatility. Everyone I listed above except for Washington has X potential, except Polk who I think will be a great WR2 in the NFL. I dunno why, just not super high on Wilson.
  20. Franklin is one of the guys I have reservations about - Others being Coleman, Leggette, Pearsall and Worthy. Guys I'm higher on in no particular order: Ladd McConkey AD Mitchell Javon Baker Malik Washington Ja'Lynn Polk Jalen Coker
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