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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. I'm going to guess September 29th 2025 Andy is notoriously bad on MNF
  2. Adam ain't no spring chicken either. If he's out for an extended period of time... Coker szn bois
  3. This was a blown play. Happens a lot at the beginning of the season. If this kind of stuff is still happening consistently throughout the year like last year I'll be more concerned. But we saw about 10x as many of these kinds of plays at this point last year.
  4. Thank you Mrs. Rhule for your competence in a sea of ineptitude.
  5. Right? You can actually see the vision He has. Rhule? Release Cam and sign Teddy to big money. Try and win now with limited resources and trade picks away to get a QB no matter what.
  6. No Willis definitely played well and has been grinding and it shows. He deserves his flowers. He has shown more as a QB than anyone we've traded for or drafted in the past 8 years. But he's still a backup and will be back on the bench once Love is healthy. It's a bit of an apples and oranges situation. We needed a good starting QB. We whiffed on getting one forever. Willis seems to be a solid backup QB. We don't need one of those. To me his performance is irrelevant because he isn't the long term answer. You don't tend to kick yourself for missing on drafting a backup.
  7. The defense actually had energy because they weren't on the field the entire game.
  8. You all know I was on the "Give Bryce a chance with competence around him" Wagon all offseason. I just wanted to give (and see) the guy we gave up the farm for succeed. It was PAINFULLY obvious he was the weakest link in the first two games of the entire team. Last year, everyone sucked. This year, Bryce sucked the loudest. All the talking heads saying "Poor Bryce, he didn't deserve to be benched, that franchise is a fuging disaster everything sucks there" Didn't watch him throw 26 passes and only manage to get 84 fuging yards in the worst passing performance I have ever witnessed. fug the talking heads, they don't know poo, and I'm all aboard the Dalton Redemption tour.
  9. Willis was picked before Corral in the 3rd, the point is moot. Also Willis is still a backup and looks good becuase their coach is good. Also also, all we've drafted the past 3 or 4 years under Rhule and Fitterer were athletes who they thought they could "Coach up" and play. They sucked at coaching so the athletes never panned out. Bryce is seriously the only non RAS Beast we picked in that timeframe. Not sure where you got we were drafting "Football Players" because looking at our roster top to bottom the past few years you'll find very few of them.
  10. Chubba is legit one of those guys I'm thrilled to be wrong about, and my respect for the guy has only grown each and every year he has played. Dude came in as a meme pick from Rhule's wife who couldn't catch a cold, to working his ass off and setting an example for the younger players on the roster, grinding, outperforming and usurping the highly paid FA RB that was brought in to start in front of him. I respect the kid so much and how he plays. It's great to see him get the success he deserves.
  11. It is only week 2. The wheels fell off Darnold week 4 his first year with us. I give these things at least a month before I claim victory or defeat. Having said that, he will never live up to that contract.
  12. This is the most accurate take out there right now. Bryce got a fair shot. He showed nothing. It's time to move forward. Trotting him out there every week is a disservice to everyone, and will not only further destroy Bryce, it will destroy the team as well. The only way Bryce actually improves (with the probability of that happens being .0001%) is by sitting on the sidelines. The only way the team improves is with Bryce sitting on the sidelines.
  13. Future comeback player of the year Andy "Red Rocket" Dalton slangin bombs and fugin' moms on Sunday.
  14. lol It's 2 games in with a broken QB it's too early to tell. I hope Canales works out but this is still funny.
  15. No, I think he gets that he played like poo and that's why he was benched.
  16. Please read the full thread and the multiple tweets throughout the thread before lambasting Bryce for not answering that specific question the way you wanted. He takes ownership for how bad he played and mentions he is going to work to get better. That's all you can ask from the kid at this point. *This is not an endorsment of his skills as a passer or an excuse for how he played, he played god-awful, just trying to temper the vitriol and hate being thrown his way that is questioning the kid's character.
  17. Because that's dishonest and the team would see right through it. Don't BS your players. It also sends a message of "Anyone is replaceable if they don't produce, even the supposed franchise QB." New regime is a meritocracy as opposed to Rhule's OOU BS.
  18. I don't think we move him until the offseason due to the cap implications.
  19. I think he got David Carr'd. Shell shocked behind a pourous offensive line and it sucked any confidence out of him. He, like you said, looked fine in camp, but the live bullets started flying and he crumbled. Hell, he looked good in his lone preseason drive. He looked like a completely different QB compared to what we've seen the past two weeks. There was zero confidence on the field since the regular season started. The best thing for him and his future is to be benched. You can see the doubt in his eyes. If the dude has any testicular fortitude he'll turn this disappointment into motivation to get better. Not holding my breath though, I think he's cooked and the only way he becomes a competent starter is after years on the bench and for another team.
  20. I really don't know if Tepper told him to do it. The only way that makes sense to me is if he heard the boos and saw the empty stadium and told Canales to pull the plug on the Bryce Experiment because money. But then Canales also has eyes and he witnessed Bryce flounder behind great protection, solid rushing, and open receivers en route to 80 yards passing total for an entire game after putting up an absolute stinker the week before in NO. If he's not a complete moron, he's benching Bryce himself, owner's opinion be damned.
  21. So does this fanbase hate tepper so much that they'd cut their nose off to spite their face and keep Bryce in at QB because Tepper told Canales to Bench him? I don't care who made the call, it's the right call.
  22. 6 this year is generous. We'll see how much better Dalton is, but 4 is the max of where I'd put us right now.
  23. The Brisket, Dalton and Lock are at the top of my list of those available that can be Bridge QBs for the next one. No warm and fuzzies, just frozen dinner unevenly heated in the microwave vibes all around.
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