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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. Wasn’t standing up for Rhule. I don’t think either are winners.
  2. Apple definitely didn’t get the last laugh last night
  3. LOL What’re y’all mad about today?
  4. And people forget CMC played 3 seasons without missing a game while playing like 98% of the snaps. The hate is strong around here.
  5. Haven’t kept up with him, but assuming he’s still a monster this readdition coupled with a young stud LT and/or C and this line would look more fierce than anything we’ve had in recent memory.
  6. Good. This team has needed a solid peace at OL since 2014. It’s time to draft one early.
  7. Exhibit A as to why it doesn’t matter who we put in at QB. This line is ass.
  8. Don’t worry. We will find a way to win our last meaningless game and then everyone can complain about how we ruined our premium draft position.
  9. California, please go sit in the corner and eat your glue like a good little girl.
  10. Definitely agree on the fan base. Your heart is in the right place but your thesis is a little off.
  11. Why anyone thinks starting anyone at QB let alone the shell of Cam is going to make a difference in this poo show is beyond me. Plenty of reasons to be angry but Cam not getting the start should be far down the list.
  12. You haven’t been around long if you’re donning Sam with the “worst in franchise history.”
  13. Thread after thread = two Counting not your specialty either? I’ll consider the cohort and not give you a hard time.
  14. Not sure what biases you’re seeing from me saying all of our QBs are dog water. Seems pretty level to me but think what you want to think. As long as you’re thinking that’s a step in the right direction.
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