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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. Dude… I’m all for the death of the pandering bullshit. But shut the hell up.
  2. I thought to myself where’d all the hate for Wilks come from. Then I read a Buffalo forum after last weeks playoff game and like 70% of them want McDermott gone. That’s when I knew that most fans are a bunch of snowflake cry babies that are fueled by current emotion. Carolina “fans” are no exception.
  3. You’re comparing apples to oranges. Demotions do occur but the entire structure is fundamentally different than the NFL. As a matter of fact there are very little organizations that operate like the NFL. Per usual you are talking out of your ass.
  4. Don’t need to. I’m serving now and have a Birds Eye view of the entire promotion process. It’s flawed but it doesn’t function like the middle school lunch room stigma you think it does.
  5. El oh el. You know nothing about the military little guy.
  6. Is this organization comprised of teenage girls? Who even thinks like this?
  7. With Carolina roots, he’s been a part of this organization for the greater part of a decade with and it’s hard to argue the guy isn’t a proven leader of men. In my opinion he’s still a good defensive mind to have around as he was with us during some of our best years. Thoughts?
  8. Doctorate actually. Don’t need to flex. You can see the definition.
  9. If a topic has 600+ replies it’s safe to say this could use its own thread. No reason to be a pest.
  10. Is that you or the neck beard talking?
  11. Fact of the matter is that 2 individuals specifically came in here with the intention to derail this from page 1 simply because they disagreed with my statements in another thread. So I see no issue with it.
  12. I respectfully disagree when 6 carries for 5 yards a piece could have easily made the difference for failures to covert on 3rd and stalling on drives for an uncharacteristically low scoring game for Buffalo. Especially in an outdoor game where the weather is playing a role in the ability to complete passes downfield which was Buffalos identity all season.
  13. Absolutely triggered some folks. They don’t like being told that the next young offensive guru isn’t all we need to fix this team.
  14. Well stated. Whether due to talent or utilization management they definitely weren’t feared for gashing anyone on the ground which in made them a little more one dimensional.
  15. 96 vs 68 yards total per game is a fairly significant difference. I would wager that the Bills absolutely attempt to go get a dual threat RB in the off-season.
  16. If the argument is strictly for rushing only then you have a fair argument. While the title of the OP is “ground and pound” I alluded to the lack of presence of a RB for Buffalo who can run as well as receive the check down when needed. Singletary is mediocre at the former and nonexistent in the latter while Mixon was a top 10 fantasy option at the position due to his ability to both rush and receive.
  17. You do that. It beats your former ideology.
  18. About trying to challenge your vocabulary? Sure was. You can’t be helped.
  19. I have no problem with that argument. Their defense was a shell of itself, which I already stated earlier in the thread, but I also feel that the lack of a run game was their greatest demise before the post-season even began.
  20. Can’t speak for everyone else. On my end I was clarifying the OP for a few who have a hard time with comprehending anything longer than a 2 sentence thought consisting of words less than 2 syllables. Thought the topic would be essence for valid discussion but a few simpletons felt the need to come in and derail per usual.
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