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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. I’m in the same camp. Would rather not give up everything. Our luck and he’d get injured early in the season and never get back to full strength for his career.
  2. Draft talk is a cornucopia of rumors, trade talks, prospects. This is the same BS we’ve been hearing and posting about for grossly 2 weeks now and the needle hasn’t really moved.
  3. Weren’t there reports of him being interested in going to NY or was that just speculation? Thought I saw something about him mentioning them in a comment not long ago.
  4. Because based on skin color you’re automatically categorized into either “privileged” or “oppressed.” That’s what I’ve been told anyway.
  5. The data has its place but it’s relationship with relevance is fading. We can’t undo the past simply by diversifying based on color. If everyone really wanted equality they would have no problem with my initial comment.
  6. I personally think generalizing that history affects everyone dependent solely on the color of their skin is the real racism but you do you. I have a lot of successful people in my circle and they consist of a spectrum of colors, personalities, and backgrounds. Success is more possible than ever (at least pre-Covid) in the U.S.
  7. Once again, who’s offended? Any data derived from this discussion has roots that extend decades. I see the point but it’s not enough to generalize entire populations to fit into the tiny narrative that life isn’t fair because of the color of your skin in this country in the year 2021. As other posters have mentioned, travel outside the country and you’ll realize how wonderful we all have it here. Stop drinking the media kool-aid.
  8. My definition aligns with the classic definition of privilege in that it is not bound by the color of your skin. Compared to my mother who grew up in the projects I grew up privileged. Compared to me a lot of my Caucasian friends grew up privileged. Not because they are white but because of the opportunities afforded them based on their head start. But at the end of the day they had to make the decision to not fug up their head start just like my mother had to make the decision to join the military and better herself otherwise fall in line with the family history of poverty and self-loathing.
  9. Not everyone starts on an even playing field. That really sucks. But everyone is afforded the same opportunities. Some will have to pay a higher expense or work much harder for it but the opportunities are there nonetheless.
  10. Everyone should have equal opportunity to do whatever the hell they want to do. It’s a great thing that in the year 2021 Americans can do just that.
  11. The only thing you’ve done here is take comments out of context to fit your agenda.
  12. Guess not. Take the L, man. Try the race baiting card another day or just keep it in the Tinder Box.
  13. Wow...now he’s calling people dogs. The nerve of this guy. See how taking things out of context just makes you look ridiculous?
  14. I’ve never changed my tune and it’s been one of objectivity. Sorry that hurts your feeling but doesn’t make someone a racist.
  15. The “natural conclusion” being your biased predetermination. Got it...
  16. You mean kind of how you spun my comment out of context?
  17. This is based on the assumption that they are being treated unfairly in the instances that we’ve had these discussions. What makes you think Bienemy is being treated unfairly?
  18. “Those that can’t do teach.” Ever heard of that one? Ill say again, great players don’t make great coaches.
  19. Something tells me if you were in charge and we had the opportunity to sign the greatest football coach that ever lived you’d give the job to a guy that looks like you just because the other guy has “had more opportunities.” Now does that sound like a fair assumption? Because that’s pretty much what you’re doing to me on the other end.
  20. Dude, the fact that you think coaching is solely based on intelligence tells the story. No one said that anyone was more intelligent than anyone. Leaders can be morons. See the last 30 years of US leadership for reference.
  21. Sad thing is I’ve met people who think this way so likely not.
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