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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. He’s done as a legit starter, man. I’ll never forget his prime here but that ship has sailed. Even if he was a fraction of what he used to be he doesn’t play for Carolina anymore. You’ll sleep better at night when you start living in reality.
  2. I remember a simile narrative last year. Remind me again how that turned out.
  3. The Bears had a great defense but that offense was paltry, and Trubisky wasn’t the only blame.
  4. There’s a “Florida man” report somewhere in there.
  5. Some short term memories around these parts
  6. I feel like I’m mid 2020 season again. Sack up, Huddle.
  7. I’m not going to infer whether he’s innocent or guilty but some of you making excuses for men seeking out Instagram models while they’re in relationships tells all about your character and your attachment to athletes when you can justify it to yourself that this level of filth is “OK.”
  8. I don’t want Watson for the price either. Especially not after the allegations. Even if he’s innocent he’ll bring bad press.
  9. This all day. Waaaaaay to pricey for his age.
  10. Glad to see the absence of Curtco on the list. Not that it means much in the grand scheme.
  11. Now y’all can STFU about trading CMC.
  12. Shaq’s percentage is the most definitive of the group as I feel he’s the most expendable outside of Bridgewater who is obviously a QB and demands a higher salary.
  13. Honestly shocked this hasn’t been brought up sooner. His ceiling is high. Would love to see what he could do with a change of scenery
  14. Are we talking about the two states logo or the helmet logo?
  15. Anyone currently grinding the demo?
  16. Like most veteran O-linemen I guess.
  17. Norwell was a friggin beast in his tenure here. Not sure how he has been since his departure but I miss that guy.
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