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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. All life has meaning to me. Not just the subjective kind.
  2. So an infant isn’t considered a real person for you. Got it.
  3. The fact that you think I have teenagers or listen to Garth Brooks is exactly what is wrong with most of this site. You just can’t help yourselves when you see a good generalization. For what it’s worth I’m in the 99% of VO2max for my age at 30 y.o. Haven’t been sick in 3 years. And I’m still getting my vaccine next week. But only due to the fact that the military owns my body. Guess my body my choice only applies to killing babies.
  4. I’m really close to be honest. This place has really gone down hill.
  5. Depends on what you define as misinformation. Truth be told not a damn person on here knows anything other than what the experts are telling you. Some experts have conflicting opinions. So then it’s up to each person to determine how they’re going to protect themselves. This is a football forum so I only come here to see Panther related material but as someone who is fairly neutral in the political warfare it’s overwhelmingly obvious how one-sided the lean is in the place. Particularly with moderation. But it’s your brand and you have control so good on you.
  6. “Ignore everyone and be happy” Unless you post what I disagree with in regards to the Rona and you get the ban hammer. I’m all for the facts but this place is trying really hard to be Facebook.
  7. But we “pAiD tOo mUcH 4 Uh RB…”
  8. As someone who beat the “we need a TE”drum “for this offense to be success” last year, this gives me great pleasure.
  9. I’m use to that so we’re good.
  10. So you’re telling me I can’t refer to him as “deuce deuce” anymore?
  11. Would love to hear your elaboration on what constitutes a “good old boy move.”
  12. Agreed, although I’d argue the degree of work ethic varies greatly at the college and professional level. Some folks just have God given abilities and are able to get away with a less than stellar work ethic while others have to rely on their work ethic that much harder to get to the level they do. All NFL players undoubtedly have some degree of both these characteristics but the latter is something that is in many instances obvious when a player “overachieves” and when they “underachieve.”
  13. He should have stfu after the 30 second mark. Just unwound everything he was spinning about taking responsibility and wearing his boy boy pants.
  14. Kind of hard to assess his ability when no one has seen him take a snap at TE yet. We can infer all we want but it doesn’t make anything definitive. Persona plays a role for sure but people are making more out of this than it needs to be.
  15. The action of kneeling is about the only thing even slightly similar in their respective plights.
  16. Why does everybody hate this guy so much?
  17. Apparently there is a waiver for such players. Still not sure what this gentleman’s major is but grad student are apparently eligible to compete in Div 1 beyond the 4 year mark.
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