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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. The quick turn around from Sunday to Thursday’s game is a much more plausible argument in overuse non-contact injuries.
  2. A dead clock is right twice a day, kiddo. Nice job! Now here’s your participation trophy
  3. I’ll be here whenever you want to discuss anything dealing with these topics but you just essentially admitted trying to stir the pot and have brought zero argument for your initial comment other than you “doing a rotation on an ortho floor.” Do better next time
  4. I’m actually not upset. I just want you to understand that your one rotation in a department doesn’t give you more authority than someone with a doctorate in physical therapy. The “strength coach” title is just an added bonus. While I agree that gait is not the only function/movement in differentially diagnosing injuries, the severity of the injury itself absolutely can affect gait pattern as the trauma increases. Especially in regards to muscles that cross both the hip and knee joint respectively.
  5. You’re the guy who doesn’t know the difference between a mild and severe/complete hamstring strain and itches at the opportunity to respond “actually…” when someone delivers their professional opinion.
  6. Treated plenty of patients with grade 3 hamstring tears with normalized gait patterns, have you? I know you are probably oblivious to this but I’m the guy evaluating the patients and prescribing the plan of care for assistants and technicians to distribute treatment. Not trying to flex, just want you to understand the magnitude of how ignorant you’re sounding.
  7. Would love to see your CV, hot shot. There’s intentional bragging and then there’s backing up what you say with the thousands of hours and dollars you’ve put in learning your craft. What is it you do again?
  8. I have my doctorate, CSCS, and working on a sports specialist cert so yeah…life coach energy for sure. Stick to your specific duties and stay out of my lane, little guy.
  9. Not in my realm, buddy. I don’t need an MRI to tell you what’s obvious most of the time.
  10. Your trauma floor consults me seeing how I’m the rehab expert.
  11. I’d venture to say I know more about this kind of stuff more than most of you on here.
  12. His gait was fairly unimpaired from the short clip I saw of him walking to the tent. Full tear would be obvious.
  13. Cooks should get a lot of credit too. Not sure he looks half as good without him.
  14. Can we talk about how every time we get some semblance of momentum they throw a flag?
  15. 10 is mighty generous for their rankings. Bet we barely scrape the top 15.
  16. ST definitely almost cost us a couple of times yesterday. Hopefully they can work out the kinks.
  17. Top 3-5 for sure. Could be the best if we play for 4 quarters consistently.
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