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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. Fan fest has always been early August.
  2. Please do. Clean that locker room up and get someone in the position that can catch and knows the difference between a Panther and a bear.
  3. It’s not his responsibility to support his entire family/ Why is this even a thought?
  4. I thought it was because racism. Huh….
  5. Personal attack requires a personal message. I was discussing said dildos with him. Not directly calling someone a dildo.
  6. I was actually one of the few against trading him as I don’t see him as “damaged goods.” None of his injuries were “season ending” so they can’t be super serious so no reason he’d be washed up, right?
  7. If the rookie turns out to be our franchise guy I’ll be excited for him and the team. If he is the best player on the field even better. That’s what separates me from some of you is that I can look at these things objectively.
  8. We can all go back and read the dialogue, my guy. Not sure why you hate the guy. Sucks we don’t have a prime Newton anymore but CMC is our best player when utilized appropriately. Get over it.
  9. You’re not lying. Gave me a point for “douchebaggery” a couple years ago for being objective when some TB clowns came in a discussion and tried to race bait. This place is nice for information and discussion every now and then but could be a lot better without a few of these dildos.
  10. CMC: *plays 3 consecutive seasons without injury averaging grossly 98% of snaps played until retarded utilization finally catches up to him* You: “Clearly he’s not working hard enough to be on the field.” If I’m performing mental gymnastics then your brain is bed-bound.
  11. Being a critic is easy when you’re sitting on your couch and know jack about human performance.
  12. Didn’t realize a RB was the only player responsible for team wins. That haterade must take great.
  13. Even grade 1 tears can take 3-4 weeks to recover from so your ignorance in the rehabilitative realm is on full display here.
  14. Those 5 win seasons look more like 1-2 wins without him. Hate him if you want but the dude is a baller.
  15. I’d you don’t think any team would do the same to any other franchise player based on the same circumstances then I can’t help you. There’s a reason that Christian was circulating trade rumors despite it not actually going down. He’s basically the face of the franchise since Cam left and they were likely ready to part ways for the right price.
  16. Cam has nothing to do with Christian but a lot of people running to his defense pertaining to his injury history are raking CMC over the coals for the same. One of these guys actually plays the position that is most often injured in the NFL. Cams injuries were hardly his fault arguably outside of his shoulder in regards to his throwing mechanics. Christians are arguably related to over utilization. But if we’re being objective, let’s also be unbiased. https://www.draftsharks.com/fantasy/injury-history/cam-newton/4690
  17. Still waiting on that expert sports science breakdown on his “minor” injuries. Also curious as to what circles you’re in to make bold assumptions that his contract somehow dampens his motivation. Did Christian knock up a family member of yours or something because I’m just not reading where the negative bias is coming from?
  18. Which of his injuries do you consider “minor?”
  19. There are extremists in every group but categorizing Christians specifically in this context is a little unfair.
  20. By definition, a Christian is not going to openly advocate for laws or lack there of opposing their world view so throwing “nationalist” behind the term is not only redundant but hypocritical as we all vote for what we believe is best for us and society as a whole.
  21. The RB position is the most often injured position in football. Some of you like to pretend CMC is anomaly in this department when the real anomaly was him playing 98% of snaps 3 consecutive years WITHOUT injury. We are beating the hell out of this horse.
  22. Fug this guy to the ends of the earth. Doubt this happens but if it did I may find something else to watch for a few years until he pisses off.
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