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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. I don’t consolidate people into groups. I analyze their thoughts via their former statements and draw conclusions from their own words. You’re just another wokeasaurus and your rhetoric shows your hand. You felt insecure enough to directly respond to me based on a general statement I made so that’s also a weird accusation.
  2. You don’t even detect a hint of how ironic this statement is coming from someone on your side of the woke spectrum, do you?
  3. I stand by my original statement. The generational movement of “me” and wokeness IS a religion. Theology in context was used intentionally and therefore is correct in the context of which it was used. Done “debating” you about it because you aren’t looking for anything civil.
  4. I You don’t understand the definition of semantics and I’m the one with the degree from university of phoenix.
  5. And your reading comprehension is on par with the majority on here so at least your average for the Huddle. A man of average intelligence would still look like the outcast in a village of idiots so I’ll take the insults as a compliment.
  6. El oh el. I’ve seen corner’s highlights and insecurity isn’t something I bother with in context of conversation with him.
  7. The term was intentional if you understand semantics. I don’t need to compare intelligence with any of you dildos. My career, certifications, and doctorate speak for themselves.
  8. I’m an advocate for Wilks earning the HC position regardless of his skin color so not sure what you’re getting at. I am generally not a fan of people being handed or stripped of opportunities simply based on the color of their skin. Character and resume should be the standard. If that makes me racist then call me whatever you like.
  9. Doing 20 in the Navy should have taught you that these trainings don’t really do much for how people treat others.
  10. Probably not. That was my entire point. Most of you seem pretty causal about this instance while throwing a tantrum about hiring minority coaches in the same breath.
  11. Interaction with other humans starts with training in the home. Grown people shouldn’t have to be taught how to treat others. And companies shouldn’t have to pander to anyone based on the color of their skin. Just my opinion.
  12. Promoting undeserving personnel to prestigious positions. Requiring Woke mandatory trainings. Disorganization from the top down. The Panthers have officially become the US military.
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