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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. Geezus My entire point is that Buffalo had no personnel TO run. Not that they failed to commit to the run. These are two entirely different arguments.
  2. Read what you want my guy. You and I both know that’s not what was said.
  3. El Oh el. It’s literally you and one other guy. I’m not even counting the usual couple of suspects because they look for my posts to derail them simply for the spite of it based on political differences.
  4. I’ll try to spell this out for you one last time since you don’t seem to be getting it. I don’t expect them to run because they haven’t done it well all year. They’ve been great through the air. And when the weather was piss poor and it made sense to run they couldn’t because they sucked at it. They kept the game close until the 3rd quarter and then lost what could have been a much more favorable game in which Allen would have been able to throw the ball downfield and let Diggs and Beasley feast. Moral of the story: Many say we need a high octane passing offense and crap on the notion of ground and pound football and defense winning championships. The Bengals capitalized by playing physical on defense AND on the offense by incorporating the run game for over 100 yards by ONE player on the ground for roughly the same amount of carries the Bills had by ALL of their offense combined. I can’t hold anyone’s hand on this anymore so if you don’t get the point after this, good luck.
  5. No doubt. But they only had 19 carries. In the freaking snow. That was by design because their run game has sucked out loud all year with the exception of Josh Allen pulling a Cam Newton intermittently.
  6. To hell with reading comprehension. I can’t have a reasonable discussion with 90% of this board because you don’t take the time to actually read and digest something before you fire back.
  7. It was a one score game mid way through the 3rd. Not taking anything away from Cincy. I just think if they swap run games it’s a clear W for Buffalo. Is that such a crazy concept?
  8. You’d be one of the few. Nonetheless he’s a game changer in my opinion. But as I stated, CMC wasn’t the main point of the discussion anyway.
  9. So what’s weird about calling out the Bills lack of run game playing a result in their loss today? If you don’t have anything to contribute to the discussion then why come in and derail it? I expect it from 4corners but I know you have at least twice the sense he does. Most do anyway.
  10. What’s there to overreact about? I’m a Panthers fan. This is a topic of observation. WTF are you guys reading?
  11. What’s not true about the Bills run game being abysmal? Reading comprehension is a lost art in this place.
  12. My point is that they’ve had trouble with running all season. Their run game is abysmal and Allen and Diggs have bailed out their offense all year. I think CMC would change a hell of a lot but that wasn’t my main thesis for discussion.
  13. That Buffalo defense was a shell of what it started the year with but even that being said, they were able to run the football when it counted.
  14. Nah, even the Bills haven’t outmediocred us as of late. We are our own breed.
  15. I never said ground and pound identity teams win championships. The point is that teams need to be able to run the ball period. Buffalo hasn’t done it all year and it cost them today.
  16. Most of you said the same thing about him staying healthy and he just went 17/17 on the year.
  17. Joe Mixon just rushed 20 for 105 yards in the same game. Tell me I’m wrong with some substance.
  18. Yeah, their coordinator definitely plays to their strengths and not their weaknesses. Imagine CMC as RB1 in Buffalo with their current roster. Sheesh.
  19. Anyone who has watched a minute of Buffalo football this year can’t deny the juggernaut presence that is their passing game. And when Allen isn’t dropping a dime to Diggs for what seems like an eternal gif-like loop, he’s hurting you with his feet for another first down scamper. Beneath all the glamour, a not so obvious truth has been hiding below the trenches in plain sight all season long. Singletary finished the 2021 season with a strong showing and an optimistic outlook for 2022. As someone who watched most of their fantasy draft targets for the RB position get snatched before I could stake my claim, I was one of the poor souls who ended up with Singletary as my RB2. For any unfortunate individual who can share my sentiments you and I saw this moment coming for Buffalo a long time ago. My father, a Buffalo native and Bills fan turned Carolina fan, asked me last week who I had for my Super Bowl picks and while Buffalo has a special place in my heart (when they aren’t playing Carolina) I couldn’t in good sense pick them to go the distance. Deep down, I had seen the writing on the wall all season. Devin Singletary is not the RB1 you want to have to depend on to bail you out on an evening of inclement weather in a playoff atmosphere. He rarely, if ever, is called for a check down play. He more often than not finds himself on the wrong side of 4 yards per carry. For all the pooing on the old fashioned, smash mouth football that Carolina can’t seem to evolve from, McDermott and company have to be kicking themselves for not having the personnel to devolve when it counted. On a chilly, dry January afternoon in Buffalo I truly believe the Bills would have beaten Cincinnati by at least a score and a half. Buffalo is as cursed an NFL franchise as there has ever been. But this curse was self-inflicted. I’d love a young minded offensive guru to coach up our (hopeful) shiny new QB to drop a 40-burger on opposing NFC defenses as well as anyone. But let’s not forget that there are moments where the roots of this game matter. Pass catching running backs matter. Ramming it down your opponents throat on the ground absolutely matters. Keep Pounding.
  20. A little reminder that the Carolina Panthers 3-peated our division during Sean Payton’s tenure with New Orleans. Outside of this, the man is simply a dick. Have we sunk that low that we are this invested in his potential to land here?
  21. I know they exist because we’ve been talking about poo like the Rooney rule for months. Nice try though.
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