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Everything posted by Krovvy

  1. It's working right now. They're winning, and still have a bounty of drafted players developing.
  2. We're going to win the division with 6 games, get blown out in the playoffs, and get right back to the quarterback purgatory loop. If we do, I think Tepper will keep Wilks as the head coach, but really as just a foil for next year. We're in the cycle. Lose, but not quite enough. Pick top 10. Draft anything but a quarterback, until your hand is forced. Lose, but not quite enough. We're the new Jets.
  3. That's the problem with not having a quarterback in this league. Everything is catered to having star one.
  4. Should have played for Temple like his boy Robbie. Might also have a little to do with the offensive coordinator that pushed for his selection being the scapegoat.
  5. Chiefs beating the brakes off them.
  6. Oh yeah, definitely have an agenda Mr. Alt.
  7. But the Lions keep losing.
  8. That or the 49ers losing directly benefits the Carolina Panthers.
  9. Yep, that's Christian. Lots of pretty stats.
  10. The trade is starting to look like a fleecin'.
  11. The only way I think the Panthers deal a player is for the Saint's pick that currently the Eagles own.
  12. History isn't practical though, it just is or was. It doesn't change preset day, don't change this into the gambler's fallacy. Now, having said that, it's still pretty damn hard to make the right selection. It's why the best quarterback can and does get selected later. That's on scouting though, it has nothing really to do with historical draft selections.
  13. You can hit anywhere, but mathematically speaking, of course.
  14. I have a feeling adding Christian won't help the 49er's wins by much. We'll see, but my thoughts were there's already quite a lot of play markers on that offense. With the ball spread around, how many touches can a running back really expect? They've lost to some suspect teams already, and I think they'll lose to a couple more. We might have received some really good value from their picks.
  15. The front office is already tanking. The coach and players are of course going to shoot for the moon. That moon might be a 6 win, one and done in the playoffs season however.
  16. Every year, same argument. Here's the same reply: No matter what anecdotes you have it doesn't change the fact that mathematically having a higher pick gives you more of a chance to make the correct selection.
  17. PJ can sling it. It's sad he had so many bums with headcases in front of him.
  18. Imagine winning the division with 6 wins.
  19. That's an either-or scenario though. This is talking about a crowd that thinks it doesn't matter at all.
  20. Okay. So, no implications. We're just in here to talk about how we're a single game out.
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