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Everything posted by Krovvy

  1. I think he'll be fine with over a hundred million from his body of work and the fact there aren't even 20 good NFL caliber quarterbacks in the world.
  2. No, you're right, he needs an agent. It's just when specifically talking about the playoffs he missed I don't understand why anyone would fault him when aggravating an injury that could end his career, going into the off-season where he's finally getting paid.
  3. His decision-making drives me wild watching him. He had so many poor scrambles that he had over a hundred negative rushing yards last year.
  4. The days of players destroying their bodies to benefit billionaires without proper compensation seems to be fading. The idea a player would risk their career to possibly win a game isn't logical when they've yet to be paid. There's a reason the Ravens already reportedly already made Lamar Jackson an obscene offer, and it isn't because he's not worth it and the best years are behind him. At the same time there's a reason why a lot of players have been vocally supporting him on Twitter. The NFL is a business, and I don't blame players for starting to think of it as the owners do.
  5. I think his teammates and the players understand. After RG III I think it made a lot of these guys more cautious with what they were willing to do for their teams, especially when it comes to ligament injuries. They know Lamar hasn't really been paid for what he's done in the NFL yet. I think a majority of the players see Jackson's side when it comes to sitting out the playoffs while he didn't have a contract.
  6. I have a feeling it won't happen, but right now the Panthers are probably eager to find someone they can place on the roster so they have some flexibility going into the draft.
  7. Absolutely. I'm not a trade Burns guy, but it's entirely possible that both the Bears and Cardinals would want him in a trade scenario. If these teams said there's no way we're accepting a trade without Burns being included, I would think the Panthers would have to relent. Contingent on free agency, the Panthers could be going into the draft with an injured Coral as an option at quarterback.
  8. Other than the PCL sprain, has Lamar Jackson really been injured enough to inhibit him? Last year there were rumors that he was fine to play, but had no incentive as injuring himself could limit his career earnings by potentially tens of millions of dollars.
  9. At this moment it looks like most mocks have Levis being the fourth quarterback taken, usually at 7 to the Raiders, or with the Panthers selecting him at 9. If the Panthers just want to sit and take a chance at him making it past the Raiders, it might be possible.
  10. Exactly, he's lacking the intangibles. Otherwise he would be ahead of Young and Stroud as he's much more athletically gifted.
  11. Yeah, whatever you need to do to occupy your day man.
  12. You're the one quoting me to nitpick tangents.
  13. I don't know why I have to elaborate, but I'll explain it this way. A few months ago GOAT called Ickey & Horn trash. Now, them being Panthers, clearly, did not change his opinion of them as players.
  14. Yeah, of course it's a possibility? He could even be selected first overall. It's not going to magically make fans do a 180 on their opinions of a player because there's a real possibility he comes to town.
  15. Yep, I'll get to it eventually. I like trying evaluate players myself before reading too much into other's opinions.
  16. Yeah? What does that mean regarding fans evaluations of players?
  17. I haven't watched their breakdown yet, but I've watched all of his games that I can find, and it sounds like my same takeaway.
  18. Of course? Why wouldn't they? That doesn't mean anything. Lots of quarterbacks get mocked and selected very high with the same problems Levis has. We even traded for one of them.
  19. I don't really think that's it. His positives are his athleticism, arm, and scrambling. His biggest critics like the much more traditional, in other words boring, quarterbacking of Stroud.
  20. Fans would support him if he's selected, but it's not like you're going to gaslight them into ignoring their own eyes.
  21. That's like comparing Richardson to Cam, it's a fluff take.
  22. I think I've stated often how poorly I've rated Levis when it comes to movement in the pocket, vision, ect. I have him rated as the fourth quarterback.
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