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Everything posted by Krovvy

  1. Why are fans pretending we're not coming into this season with the worst stretch of Panthers' football to date? Guys, we're a perpetual 5 win team, with a coach on the hot seat, that has to sign cast-off quarterbacks yearly to fill the most important position in sports. It's probably okay if some people are a bit negative, they have the right to be. The ol' R-E-L-A-X shtick doesn't work when your quarterback isn't Roders.
  2. I'm already looking at the 2023 quarterback class.
  3. The problem is he showed nothing. It's why everyone is upset. If he came away with the same stats, but looked like he could navigate the pocket, had decent footwork, and could drive the ball then people wouldn't be worried. However, he didn't, he looked shaky on every snap.
  4. Man, I know, I was here and constantly reminded some of the big names on this board that finding a quarterback is insanely difficult, and Cam was by far the best one we had. The guys wanting Cam to sit, and Anderson to play was obviously for other reasons. It was sad. Now we have the situation they wanted for years, a new quarterback (anyone but Cam) — every fuging year.
  5. I think the main problem right now is he showed nothing in this game. Every facet of his game was bad, which is shocking to fans.
  6. He was way too shaky for a fourth quarter pre-season game. Not a good sign. It's Baker or bust now. Hopefully if we bust our dipshit owner will fire everyone, hire outside management, and then stay far away from the Panthers front office. Quarterback purgatory is real, and the Panthers are the new Jets, or Browns.
  7. I originally had Sam Howell as my number one quarterback this off-season on pure potential. I had to talk myself into Corral as I usually had him 4-5th on my list. I'm still glad we took a shot at quarterback at least. You have to pick them for one to eventually hit.
  8. Matt Corral looked so bad. I usually don't talk about rookies, especially in preseason games, but that was a sad showing from him. It's Baker or bust. Third year in a row we're betting on a cast-off quarterback. This owner, and entire front office has to go.
  9. He's had some good years, better than the vets on the Panthers had on the roster. I wish they would just cut Sam Darnold, and fire Matt Rhule though.
  10. Another year, another cast-off quarterback. I wonder how much this one will cost?
  11. We should be after acquiring their 'talent'.
  12. If Corral doesn't look like the guy, trade him. Quarterbacks retain value even when they perform poorly. We can get something back for him for sure. Though I think at worst we have a long time backup with some elite traits.
  13. I'm all for it. Just take a shot. Third and fourth round picks bust at high rates, might as well shoot for the moon.
  14. I'm so happy, Sam Darnold can't hurt me anymore. I don't even care if Corral busts, at least we're doing what we need to do which is to take a real shot at finding a franchise quarterback.
  15. Yeah, might as well make the same fuging mistake three years in a row. I wonder how much it will cost this time?
  16. His game tape was horrible in many aspects. He just doesn't throw with anticipation, and doesn't look like he sees the field. He's also amazing sometimes as well. I can definitely see why he fell though.
  17. He's coming off of surgery, will cost assets, and will need a contract. There's a reason Cleavland decided to trade their future away for another guy with massive issues, and a requiring a huge contract. Mayfield had a great team around him, and didn't get it done. He's not going to magically be better in Carolina. It's like fuging groundhog day every off-season.
  18. We'll more than likely have to sign him to an extension.
  19. Might as well trade more assets for yet another retread that we'll have to give a large contract to. This front office and owner are inept.
  20. Krovvy


    I wonder if the third retread quarterback failure will knock some sense into Tepper.
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