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Everything posted by Krovvy

  1. Hopefully the Panthers will find a solid tight end in next year's draft. It's one position I can already start 'scouting' (watching YouTube full game snap cuts) to get an idea of who we may draft.
  2. It's just too small of a sample size and with the Panthers run game it's going to difficult to judge off of the last two games. Sam isn't play worse under current coaching, that's for sure.
  3. I think the offensive line is doing more than coaching. It's hard to see ghosts when you don't even have to see defensive linemen.
  4. Please God take your own advice and block me, and never randomly quote me in threads you have no real interest in. You're so confused, still.
  5. Finally found a real replacement for Kalil. Makes you wonder what the hell Rhule was seeing at practice.
  6. Fitterer and Rhule traded assets for him. That alone would cause a quarterback controversy if he didn't start, unless Sam or Walker for some reason played lights out. Fitterer and Rhule made their bed with the trade really.
  7. Oh God you're so confused. I have not even mentioned your name with Sam Darnold. This is why you shouldn't jump into arguments you don't have a clue about.
  8. I am not going to bother going through your post history, and honestly, I don't have to for anyone actually bothering to read this spat. They either know or don't care. I'll simplify it for you. What goes around comes around. If Catsfan69 is right about Sam Darnold, even while being entirely grating to everyone on the forum about it, I'll tell him he's right. Though again, this has nothing to do with you.
  9. See, this is where you're wrong. I argue points, me fuging with Catsfan69 is in relation to each other, having nothing to do with you. You being overly sensitive and having a history of poor takes, bad arguments, and disappearing into the ether and me holding a mirror to you has nothing to do with him or how I argue. For example, I argue with Mr. Scot, or have, often. I don't for a second feel any animosity towards him since generally it's an actual disagreement. Whatever you're making this between us is completely different. I can see how you feel bullied, yes I've attacked you, but it's more of direct reflection of you as a poster. That's why I keep reiterating to you the same thing.
  10. At least one win better in my opinion. Though who knows really.
  11. I did, so often. You should read my posts that I got wrong on the Brown pick. This is what I mean. I argued against Gettleman loverboys (sound familiar?) that somehow couldn't see that the reason we were winning under his tenure had a little to do with the literal dozen pro-bowlers Hurney selected, the core of the team. It drove me insane such a poor general manager was getting accolades while being a fraud. Why am I bothering, you're one of them. TheMostInaneStittake.
  12. No, I didn't, I criticized him, Gettleman, and Fitterer for each off their many faults. This is what I mean. I have to click "show this post" just to read TheMostInaneShittake.
  13. Yeah, just comment on something that has nothing to do with you because your football takes are so poor. Maybe you'll get to a point where you won't be ridiculed and disappear every few months.
  14. I don't want to bring his name up, since it's for some reason a sensitive subject for Panthers ?fans?, but could you imagine what prime Cam would have looked like with this offensive line? Oh my god.
  15. Playing it safe with a franchise player isn't virtue signaling, it's just smart. If his break is a mild fracture, he'll play. But it's sad to see fans push the "win no matter what" when it could cost more in the future. At some point it can end a player's career. We've seen enough Panthers prematurely ending their careers from reinjury. A couple of these players carried the team for the better part of the last decade.
  16. Why don't you make the sacrifice of using Google, or you know pay attention to the sport you supposedly follow.
  17. You can get nerve damage from reinjury and strains. Hell, he could have damage now depending on how bad he was hurt.
  18. Yeah, just sacrifice a franchise players career for a losing season. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
  19. What? Did you want me to google it for you? Why didn't you give me the statistic if there was some point to be made? At the end of the day the production is the same, and that's still based off four games. This isn't accounting for the inevitable. This is just sad.
  20. Oh yeah. I remember back in the day when coach risked potential nerve damage of a child for football.
  21. I mean, again, we're talking about a singular statistic that at the end of the day has no real bearing on performance overall. Though if you're so fascinated by this, again singular, statistic I can say that in Darnold's career, year by year, his YPA is much lower than Teddy's, if that even matters to you. You do realize that one poor performance and that average could return to the mean, right?
  22. That's so unbelievably short sighted and selfish.
  23. Wait. Do you think the Panthers offensive line from this year is in anyway comparable to the offensive line he played with from 2020? Remember the meme here has been "can he play left tackle" for the last decade. Make no mistake, this year's offensive line is special. It's one of the best since 2009. Regardless, who really cares about YPA when the results are similar. This again is extrapolating Sam's best 4 games in recent memory. When I'm talking about Teddy, I'm referring to actual data.
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