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Everything posted by Krovvy

  1. Let me state this another way. If Reich was 45 he would have already been hired, by us or another team. Front offices want younger coaches by their own judgements.
  2. If this was a coveted hire, sure, but we're talking about a retread. A good retread, but a retread. A lot of times a coach taking a job at this point of his life are already set in their ways, and a lot of those ways are not quite with the times. The NFL is ever evolving, and it helps with a coach is younger, not just to be able to better connect with their players, but also because they're more flexible as they're still learning. There's a reason NFL front offices are seeking the young guns.
  3. Well, it's not like it's unheard of to retire in your 60s. Though maybe it's personal bias, coming from my own personal experiences with family slowing down or passing around Reich's age.
  4. I'm so disappointed that both Ben Johnson & DeMeco Ryans want nothing to with us. Beyond Harbaugh, they were my top two. Steichen, I suppose, being number three. I guess out of the bunch that's left Reich would be the next man up. However, it doesn't really excite me and I just don't know how much he has left in the tank.
  5. Yikes. I guess we hope for Reich and that he builds out a coaching tree under him. I wonder how much longer he wants to coach for?
  6. His interview must have been terrible. At this point I'm hoping somehow we come around to Harbaugh.
  7. This was so painfully wrong in almost every facet. I had to stop reading at Prius, again. Though you should really post this on your main account instead of giving yourself a back pat in every thread. Just the irony of the Prius comment though. You think driving a Prius is an insult? Clearly, you're not much of a car guy yourself if you think that's anything to gawk at. You've definitely never turned a wrench in your life. Try not to soy-out so hard next time.
  8. I'll pray on it, since it's my theology.
  9. I mean, it's easier to just admit you were wrong.
  10. Those red lines are usually personal, and you would never know if they followed them or not.
  11. Yep. What does it matter really? It's weird how obsessive some of these people are, especially considering Payton's history. They must really be sold on the idea that he would make the team a winner. So much so that they can't live and let live with others in their own fandom. Sean Payton gave up the moment Brees couldn't carry him. He gave up on the New Orlean's Saints. After 16 years on the team, he decided to leave abruptly after seeing what a mess the team was. One Devin Funchess catch away from being a losing post-season coach. How many years do you think it will take for him to make the Panthers a Super Bowl team? Considering he had one go in 16 years for the Saints. Do you think he would be able to find a new quarterback to carry his offense, especially after the Panthers give our division rival their asking price?
  12. I mean, it's not really that petty. People stop being a fan for all sort of reasons. If someone wants to put a pause on their fandom because of a failing franchise, they can. There's a lot to do and experience in life.
  13. Me right now watching you project on an ALT account.
  14. Yep. It's also suspect that the first time he was without Brees he abandoned his team. Says a lot!
  15. Aw, poor wittle baby can't handle people thinking different than them. Don't cry little won.
  16. I can't tell if these are ALT accounts or if people are seriously this upset reading a possible scenario. Sean Payton while having a hall of fame quarterback was barely a coinflip in the playoffs. He only managed to get to one Super Bowl and honestly those games seem to be coinflips. John Fox and Ron Rivera also manage to get to the big game, and both were winnable. The minute Brees was gone Payton abandoned his team. Imagine him trying to build anything in Carolina at his age. How long do you seriously think he will last?
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