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  1. This is what I came out with after watching more as well. Probably have Shemar above Williams now. I think Shemar's floor is a lot higher than when I initially started reading about him.
  2. I've watched him more and am starting to gaslight myself into thinking Shemar might also end up being a good player. The trauma this team has caused me over the Tepper years.
  3. Chuba was a Mrs. Rhule pick though, and Horn is one injury away from being referred to as a bust we should move on from.
  4. Looking at the Panthers since he left, no, apparently first round picks are very difficult.
  5. You have to pay someone. This team can't continue to jettison talent.
  6. I'm shocked that one of the worst all-time defenses ever fielded in the NFL would have staff turnover.
  7. Now this looks like his college film. The Panthers just need to keep him protected and keep building his confidence.
  8. Highkey who I'm interested in, at least this early in the draft process.
  9. A lot of time before the draft. I think we could realistically take a player at almost any position. Carter could be BPA, or could not.
  10. I stated. Are you really still flailing around trying to reframe what I stated again and again? I'm telling you your reframing of my statement is incorrect. In an adult world that I would be the end of it, but because I'm on the Huddle and every psycho like you is on their 20th ALT account here we go again. I don't have to go line by line and state this player was cut, this player was traded, this player was released without being made an offer. It's a general statement about the moves in the off-season that he was a large part of that has made this defense the worst in the league. He had a direct impact on the roster and draft. How can that even be debatable with the amount of his former players we've signed and the articles written on the draft? This is what you said. You even admit I was right. Absolute waste of time even typing this clarification to a poo-posting ALT with zero substantive arguments, only semantical nitpicking. Blocking.
  11. I need someone to make a list of players he brought in from his former teams. We heard commentators gush about it all year, while we were being ran over.
  12. Several of those players were traded or released last off-season. Please don't waste my time with semantics.
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