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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. He was the only option. It didn’t sound like any good outside candidates were interested.
  2. Because it’s a vehicle for Tepper to meddle. It also is a huge distraction for the coaches. Let them focus on getting better instead of wasting energy making the boss feel better.
  3. Partly yes. I suspect nerves are getting in the way. By all accounts, he plays better in practice and the preseason. His size and arm strength are still a huge issue and I think he’a realized it.
  4. What is this footwork???? Rolling his ankle to make a throw. And a jump throw? Jeeez
  5. Bryce not being able to see over or around Moton is infuriating.
  6. Draft gets us maybe 3 starters a year (in a good draft). We need decent FAs to fill this dumpster of a team.
  7. A guy on YouTube said saints fans were buying him beers.
  8. I think it’s 6’1” - 6’2”. Brees and Mahomes.
  9. I appreciate those guys sticking up for the fans. I’ve noticed since Sunday that sports media has turned from making fun of us to feeling really bad for us. No one is laughing. Just genuine concern. Pat was 100% right. It’s going to be impossible to get good free agents without overpaying if they continue to be this bad.
  10. The fan base is dead. Also Reddit, twitter, etc.
  11. Recency bias. For all of Hurney’s issues, he built two Super Bowl rosters. Beane has yet to build one. DM was 2nd in command and Fitts best friend. I don’t buy the narrative that Dan was disagreeing with Fitt’s every move. The last few years were a collaborative effort and Dan was right in the mix.
  12. Both of those GMs built Super Bowl rosters. Fitt is not that pedigree.
  13. RBs aren’t running anywhere until we get a QB that can throw. Teams are stacking the box.
  14. It would only be a problem if ticket sales became non-existent and ratings took a significant slump. It has never happened though.
  15. https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/01/06/browns-fans-protest-winless-season-parade
  16. Browns fans used to march around their stadium every Dec in protest. Didn’t do anything
  17. I wonder which team will elect to play their backups and rest their starters?
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